> Are government-funded climate scientists just high priests preaching that Pharaoh can do no wrong...?

Are government-funded climate scientists just high priests preaching that Pharaoh can do no wrong...?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
ven as he plunders and they parasitise the masses?

Welcome to the life of a tree-hugger! Believe me when they drive to the grocery store in any motorized vehicle they contribute to the cause and also pay for their own cause. It's the typical double-standard of living they allow themselves to live.

Living in chaos is one of life's virtues in their minds, but they will surely tell us we can control the climate. ROTFLMAO!!!

I am sure that is true of government science advisors.

The lower orders will try and do a good job but they will be hamstrung by funding. The funding controls what science gets done. It is as if the police, when investigating two possible murder suspects, search the home of only one of them. They will be able to attribute lots of possible murder weapons to one suspect but there will be no evidence against the other.

@C Thank you for proving once and for all that the contributions of Exxon Mobil to the climate debate is miniscule! The whole pie chart comes to about $60 million per year. That is peanuts. It would not cover even one climate conference. On the other hand, the Hewlett Foundation gave about $50 million to environmental causes in 2013 alone.

I don't know of any government funded climate scientists

although, in this video this scientist mentions how multi millionaire conservative talk show hosts are more likely to receive moneys

Oh of course ... look at them all ... those greedy scientists with their supermodel WAGS, fast cars, expensive suits, offshore bank accounts, private planes, and football clubs.

I feel for those oil tycoons and oligarchs living in poverty ... of course, they wouldn't possibly lie to you or want you to believe the products they sell cause harm. I mean, what would they have to gain?

government funding is not all bad ,but scientist only work on theories that answer some of the puzzle.it seems alarmist theories are very popular just now,and they make money for some.

Being funded by federal grants what other outcome is possible. defy the government the well runs dry.

They have more in common with someone who told Pharaoh,"Let my people go."


Thought you might like to see denier funding @500 Million

They take the shilling and they sing the song. It would be a very brave scientist that did otherwise. For hope, cometh the day, cometh the men.

I've noticed that religious fanatics always try to pretend that science is religion. I guess if you're religious it's hard to see things in other ways.

even as he plunders and they parasitise the masses?
