> If it was proven beyond any doubt that fossil fuel was causing global warming, would the Koch brothers support banning f

If it was proven beyond any doubt that fossil fuel was causing global warming, would the Koch brothers support banning f

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If there was no longer any debate, would the fossil fuel industry willingly stop fossil fuel extraction?

If there were trillions of dollars at stake (e.g. the value of fossil fuel reserves: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-mckib... ), I have not the slightest doubt that the Koch Brothers would at least try to ensure, through underhanded funding, that there would be a serious-seeming "debate" between "politically motivated" "rounders" versus "skeptics" about the "unproven hypothesis" that the earth is round not flat.

In reality, of course, it is astronomically easier to deny climate science than the round earth.









It has been proven beyond any doubt that fossil fuels are causing global warming, and I'm still waiting for them to come out in support of such a ban.

Why waste you time in worthless hypothesis? There is no man made Global Warming only the natural cycles. And even if there was it wouldn't wouldn't make any difference what side of the issue they would be on as they have very little influence. Certainly not as much as Al Gore, Maurice Strong and George Soros, to name a few.

I think so, they come over to me as fairly responsible people, they believe like I do that AGW is not a problem, you can not fault them for genuine beliefs.

I do not believe they actually gain anything with their donations.

The people I distrust are those with political ambitions.

but it can not be so , for the first part OIL is not a fossil fuel ,it is not know how , but the earth makes it ,it was not from the dinosaurs ,

Maybe. You always have to weigh and balance. How much warming are they causing? Enough to be significantly harmful? What are the alternatives. What is the cost effectiveness of other sources of power?

All of those questions and many more would need accurate real world answers.


Not likely unless they can make more money.

No, they need the money.

Are you kidding?

If there was no longer any debate, would the fossil fuel industry willingly stop fossil fuel extraction?