> Which doomsday prediction am I supposed to follow with anticipation now?

Which doomsday prediction am I supposed to follow with anticipation now?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Is not really a prophecy, but the Yellowstone Caldera is 40,000 years overdue for eruption. When it erupts, the debris will block much of the sunlight for several years, bringing on freezing temperatures and destroying most crops and plants. Life on earth will certainly be different after that happens. Sorry, but I can't give you a definite date, so you can spend every minute worrying and preparing.


Financial collapse

nuclear terrorism

Gamma Ray Burst

Asteroid Impact

Alien Invasion

Just watch the History Channel for ridiculous exaggerations.

Zombie Apocalypse

Well, Hansen said Obama only had 4 years to save the earth and that was 4 years ago. I guess we're all done for because when a Climatologist makes a prediction, you know with 100% certainty that it will come true.


Edit: Holocaust anti science deniers giving me a thumbs down. Typical.

This nutter's got a list for you to choose from when you favourite catastrophe turns out to be a dud...


...or if you'd prefer something more sciencey, perhaps the you could go with the Hadron collider turning earth into a Black Hole.

Don't worry, there's still lots to be concerned about, like these two "facts":




They are all rubbish, never believe any of them.

I'm all depressed about bring wrong about 2012, and my friends won't take me seriously now. I just know all of this crap I'm going through is a sign the world will be over soon, so I need a new doomsday prophecy.