> Why are people so worried about "Global Warming"?

Why are people so worried about "Global Warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
if all the planets in our solar system have gone through a slight temperature spike and the sun won't devour the planets and collapse in on itself until 10 billion years from now?

Because Republicians and their evil space SUVs are driving across the surface of Saturn to stop gay marriage! Oh noes!

Global warming is of little importance, a doubling of CO2 by the year 2050 could (not taking other factors like natural causes into account) rise our temperature by 1 degree C.

All the other stuff like extreme weather, droughts floods, massive sea level rise, is pure nonsense and has nothing to do with CO2.

The problem with your question is that "all the planets" have not been warming.

AGW deniers have been saying that for decades.

But it's not happening.

The implication is that the sun is getting hotter, and it's not.

Here's an interesting website that I just found.


The 3rd graph down shows that in the last 10 years, there's been less than 0.1% change in solar output.

The 6th graph down shows that in the last 35 years, the solar output has changed less than 0.15% and the change has increased and decreased as the number of sunspots has increased and decreased.

The warming we've seen has nothing at all to do with "other planets".

The warming has been caused by the 40% increase in CO2 in our atmosphere.

What I don't understand is why you'd believe that global warming isn't a problem?

Who is it that has a sufficiently convincing argument?

What would convince you that global warming is real?

1. You could look up what universities say. They have a reputation to uphold.

2. You could look up what various scientific organizations say. They also have a reputation to uphold.


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of all of the major industrialized countries."



Here's the real science behind global warming.

http://www.rkm.com.au/ANIMATIONS/carbon-... <== here's the physics.

http://www.rsc.org/images/CA1_tcm18-1379... <== Word doc. Page 6 shows where H2O and CO2 intercept different wavelengths

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co... <== Note that CO2 intercepts a different wavelength than water. In addition, as CO2 warms the oceans, more water evaporates, increasing it's effectiveness.

http://www.school-for-champions.com/scie... <== melting of the Siberian tundra is serious problem.

http://fora.tv/2009/08/18/A_REALLY_Incon... <== This is an hour long, but is very good.

On December 16, 2008 Al Gore said that the polar ice caps would be completely melted in 5 exact years...LMAO

That would have been December 16, 2013, and they are not even HALF melted, LMAO

If Gore was as worried about Global Warming and rising sea levels as he claimed to be, why the **** did he purchase a SEASIDE home recently?

Al Gore has been debunked time and time again

What a charlatan, and a schyster

The man-made Global Warming hoax means a lot of money for a lot of people. The Alarmists are worried about keeping their pockets filled with our taxpayer dollars. This scam has been going on for more than 30 years already. All the climate models are wrong and on top of that the world is actually COOLING and not warming.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


So to answer your question, I doubt many people are actually worried about man-made Global Warming, they just want to keep riding that gravy train they have been on for more than 30 years.


I love how you pretend to be one of those idiot "AGW is a hoax" idiot.

They actually do not get that the loss of life (tens to hundreds of millions of people) from APG does not mean the world comes to an end.

They don't know that when hundreds of millions of people lose their homes, and hundreds of millions more lose their water supply and food, that the social unrest will either destroy the US, or put almost all Americans into poverty.

You are so funny!

A hole in the o-zone layer that allows damaging uv rays and give anyone outside skin cancer, won't be building anymore houses for you.

Goldilocks Zone

the environment is like an egg shell, pretty solid, but once broke your egg is gone.

current rises are bringing about a change in the gulf stream, and bees are becoming extinct.

so what you may say.

things like this make vast differences yes we may not miss bees themselves unless you really like real honey, but bee's pollinate flowers, flowers, create oxygen...we might miss the oxygen.

in a broad stroke that's why people worry, not to mention the loss of the ozone which stops you getting skin cancer...the warming is a misnomer, it doesn't really mean the world gets warmer directly, it means more earthquakes, more floods, more forest fires, Forest fires create carbons which then destroy more ozone...once the cycle reaches what they call "critical mass" we all die no fixing it!

It doesn't really matter to me if you don't believe it. The environment is pretty much doomed because of human activity anyway. Meaning your children and their grandchildren won't have it as easy as you do down the road when food shortages ravage their world.

I'm not having children so it doesn't matter to me.

I mean I would like the world and all its species to be protected, but i know after humans destroy themselves nature will rebound

Sea level rise, changing weather patterns so that there will be more rain in some areas and less in others.

More violent weather as the amount of energy in the atmosphere increases.

Changes in sea temperatures leading to changing patterns of fish species.

These are serious issues and nothing to do with the devouring of our planet.

if all the planets in our solar system have gone through a slight temperature spike and the sun won't devour the planets and collapse in on itself until 10 billion years from now?

Not all planets are warming. There is data to show that planets other than Mars, Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto are warming. If anything, thanks to the yellow ball in the sky, most objects would be expected to be cooling, like the yellow ball in the sky.


If you really want to know, try reading the page linked to below for starters...


do you have another planet to live on?

Global warming is nothing more than a straw man issue to force a totalitarian new world social order on every person. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is UN agenda 21 passed by the UN and signed by Bush in the early 90s. The only problem with UN agenda 21 is that it's a non binding agreement. The statists in the democratic party and around the world needed an issue to compel the world into adopting a binding version of UN agenda 21 so they chose to use the environment specifically the climate. So they sound alarm bells and tell all humanity that we are destroying the world because of our own selfish greed and our only salvation is a totalitarian new world order because a single nation or a group of nations can't do it alone. Keep in mind that the UN is full of unelected and unaccountable politicians. They want more control and power so they are spearheading the manufactured crisis. Governments around the world are broke and they want more power and control so they use the issue to generate revenue and legislate away freedoms. And the liberal left are collectivists who abhor any shred of personal responsibility so they demand big government to redistribute their personal responsibilities onto everyone else.

In december 2009 the statists of the world, big governments and the UN all came together in Copenhagen with a mission to finally fully implement a binding version of UN agenda 21 and create the new world order which would essentially destroy the sovereignty of nearly every nation. China was leading the effort to implement a global 1 child per couple policy. Imagine being told by your government that if you have one kid it is illegal to have another? LOL. So much for the choice from the pro choice statists.

Anyway it failed and Activist groups like Greenpeace (which is involved in authoring parts of the alarmist IPCC reports) called Copenhagen an international environmental crime scene.

All the urgency in the AGW cultism is due to the fact that the science was never settled and the more time that went by the more their AGW theory will be proven by empirical evidence to be completely and utterly discredited. AGW cultist 'scientists' can only spin the failures of their catastrophic doom and gloom predictions for so long before the public loses complete faith in them then *poof* there goes the last best chance that these new world order statists have for creating their totalitarian world government full of unelected and unaccountable politicians (the same kind of politicians who made it illegal for companies in the EU who produce bottled water to claim that the water they sell helps combat dehydration - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnew... - which is beyond and sane rationalization. Imagine what sheer hell unelected and unaccountable politicians and governments which creates laws banning claims that drinking water prevents dehydration will do to society).

Fact is that not a single catastrophic claim from the AGW crowd has every come to fruition. They will point to any and every weather or climate related event as proof of AGW but the problem is that not a single one of these events is unprecedented. They have occurred in the past without any input from humanity. In fact the exact opposite of most of these claims have come to fruition. We are told that there would be more extreme weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes but the past decade has seen a decline in tornado and hurricanes. Last year was near record low numbers of these events. We were told by the AGW cultists that antiarctica is melting and the sea levels are rising so fast that cities and islands will be flooded out by the end of the century when in reality the sea ice extent in antarctica broke a record high area by almost 800,000+ square miles and sea level rise is a couple mm a year and slowing. We were told that increased CO2 will cause the earth to warm but the past 17.5 years CO2 has been increasing but the global mean temp has not. Panicked AGW cultist 'scientists' never accounted for this in the 95% of the computer climate models that were completely wrong and had to scramble to concoct excuses as to why their theory has failed so miserably. We were told that AGW was going to cause mass starvation and drought and point to the california drought as proof of AGW when in reality the earth has been naturally warming steadily since the end of the little ice age in the mid 19th century and as a result growing seasons have been extended and arid parts of deserts like the mighty Sahara is shrinking due to increased vegetation grown around its perimeter due to increased moisture. California is notorious for droughts that have lasted as long as 200 years. This drought is nothing new or unprecedented. CO2 has been increasing but that has caused a net increase in global vegetation as well. Agriculture in India due to increased CO2 has been booming. They have well over a billion people over there and natural global warming and increased CO2 is greatly benefiting them. Not a single AGW alarmist catastrophe has ever come close to coming to fruition.

Every person in the AGW cult has their credibility on the line. Politicians who pushed this crap, the 'scientists' who get paid by government to push this crap, and the environmental statists who push this crap. They are fighting relentlessly not only against those of us who oppose their ideology but mother nature itself. If you think they seem to be getting more and more shrill lately it's because they are. They are losing their grip on this as reality makes fools of them. They lose the AGW issue and they lose their credibility and they lose the best chance they have at implementing the new world social order. The AGW cultists are becoming desperate and are doubling down on the urgency because their time is running out as more and more people realize that the sky is not falling like they are being told it is.

It's never been about the environment. It's a political agenda driven scheme to advance a totalitarian statist socialist utopia by scaring a population into accepting it in exchange of the promise for salvation of humanity. Ask any AGW alarmist what the benefits of a warming world is. They will not give you any because it does not conform to their political and social agendas. The world was once much warmer than it is today in the Roman and medieval time and humanity prospered globally. This is why AGW cultist 'scientists' like Mann attempted to erase the medieval warm period and the little ice age (because there is evidence that event caused a decline in human prosperity globally) when he created the infamous fatally flawed and completely debunked hockey stick graph portrayed by Algore in his docudrama movie and coveted and revered by nearly every AGW alarmist as evidence of AGW was going to happen. One has to look at real world empirical temp data on a graph since 1998 and compare it to Mann's hockey stick projection he created in 1998 and see what a complete failure it really is. It shouldn't take much to realize that the entire AGW movement that hailed Mann's graph as god given fact and discredit their entire argument for projected consequences of AGW. As stated in the failed projections mentioned combined with Mann's graph and the scandals to hide historical climate records is now very relevant.

AGW cultists are struggling to come up with excuses for the failure of their ideology so they resort to vile personal attacks as a defense against their failures.

AGW cultists will do anything to attempt to shut down the debate dialog. AGW cultists have called for personal condemnation of those who dissent from AGW theory. They have called for the incarceration, forced tattooing and branding of the skin, financial destruction, destruction of careers, public humiliation, Nazi Nuremberg style public trials, and even execution of those who dissent from their ideology. AGW cultists even made a public service announcement ad in the UK depicting a small child getting blown up (murdered) by a teacher (government paid authority figure in the kid's life) just for the thought crime of questioning the validity of AGW. This is freaking disgustingly sick but this is what a failing ideological movement resorts to when empirical reality fails to conform to their ideology. AGW cultists are violently shrill.

It's not global warming that AGW cultists are worried about. It's the failure to push their utopian new world social order that they are so worried about. The globe has warmed up naturally in the past and will warm up in the future naturally.