> Is it time to face the facts yet? The science on CO2 Warming seem to be depleting?

Is it time to face the facts yet? The science on CO2 Warming seem to be depleting?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just look at Flunky's statement. The Earth is a big jumble of questions, which we don't understand. We have only recorded temperatures for a little over a hundred years, yet we can see there have been hottest and coldest days and we really don't know what to make of them. But we will scare you with our unscientific thoughts. Now doesn't that suggest a *warming* world to you?

Is that all they can come up with? Is a SUGGESTION? They want to change our lives on a SUGGESTION? "Hey, everyone, put your neck in this noose, we suggest this will cure your backaches." Ha! Ha! What folly! This should be on Comedy Central!

Then you take Marquise's statement, "Earth should be COOLING. But Earth is not."


The Earth IS COOLING! Hello out there!

And these are the two greenies that make the most sense. Just look at Grungo. "Well that comes from 'Oil and Gas Investments Bulletin'." So? That is an argument? That is all you have? Well at least you got your 2 points but it doesn't add anything to the answer. Ha! Ha! You fellows are so eager to display your utter lack of knowledge and logic in order to find a minuscule bit of anything that would prove your bankrupt position. You are laughable.

In direct answer to your question: Yes the greenies are scratching and clawing to maintain their futile scam but it is falling apart intellectually and scientifically. Thy really should give up to protect what sanity they have left.

why so many superlatives? "coldest", "record snow" - where's the NORMAL weather? Of course you won't find much. Only abnormal weather severity.

Thanks. You just proved climate change to be real. More heat in the globe means more energy in weather systems. Are you truly taking that to mean that there will be no more snow, rainfall or storms? If so, then that's the fault of your own, not anybody else.

Edit: of course they take the sun into account. And the Earth's tilt on its axis.

Earth should be COOLING. But Earth is not. Why is that? what could this force be that's dominating even the sun?

Lemme 'splain.

The Earth is big, weather is highly variable, and we've only had good weather records for the past, oh, 100 years, for the most part. Sometimes much less.

So, it is probably the case that, at any given moment, somewhere on the planet will be having the hottest day, the hottest month, or some other high temperature, and somewhere else will be having a record low temperature. So, looking at any given "hottest ever" or "coldest ever" tells us virtually nothing about the big picture.

What is more meaningful is to count the number of "highest ever" and "lowest ever" in a given time period, and compare the two.

And I'm pretty sure, when you do *that*, you see something like 5 "record high" incidents to every "record low" incident. I'm not sure of the exact ratio, but I know it's skewed pretty heavily in favor of record highs.

Doesn't that suggest a *warming* world to you?


Sage, scientists are always dealing with imperfect information. It's the nature of the beast. But there is enough information to pretty solidly suggest that the Earth has been warming for the past 50-100 years, and most of that warming is not explainable by the (fairly well-understood) known causes of past climate changes.

The problem is--this is a complex subject, that people study for *years* to be able to understand. And yet you expect to be able to understand it with no study at all?

I'm saying... one reasonable measure for "is the Earth warming" is "do record highs outnumber record lows". Which, afaik, they do, by rather a bit. What is *not* a reasonable measure is "this small part of the Earth is having a record high/low for this small time period, so obviously the world is warming/cooling". That would be like looking at the performance of one stock on one day, and assuming that it represents the long-term performance of the stock market.

How about direct observation on your own? The articles supporting human caused global warming are mostly opinion, and are not born out by observation.

For instance, I live less than a half mile from the Pacific Ocean, and I've been here since 1976. In those days the left proclaimed "Global Cooling"; and then they switched to "Global Warming". When they began the Global Warming pitch, they said that within 10 years the ocean would warm and the sea level near my home would rise and flood lowlands. That was over 30 years ago. Nothing has changed, the temperature is the same and the ocean level remains constant. Really.

So, you see, "testimonial" from people proclaiming to be unbiased scientists, is like all other "logical fallacies", it proves nothing. (look up Logical Fallacies) The ocean beach backs right up to highway 101 here, and sometimes driftwood is thrown onto the highway during southwest storms. It wouldn't take much to put the ocean on the highway at this spot. It hasn't changed since I've lived here.

Observation is more important than computer models or testimonial. Both are flawed and mean nothing. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." and not political persuasion or mental foreplay. "Strongly Believe" is what they want you to do. Check it out for yourself, instead of listening to those with a political agenda.

I defy anyone to come here on the Oregon Coast and prove any change in climate, water temperature, and ocean level! I was born and raised here starting in 1934; I have a minor in Earth Science, and I spent a lifetime working in science and technology; and I know BS when I see it.

After all, as humans we are set to destroy ourselves from social pollution, and you would be better off studying the effects of nuclear weapons, because the world will destroy itself through war before anything else, and that will indeed cause global warming, and then a fatal Ice Age.

Temperature is only one factor of many which indicate a rapidly degrading environment. Just because it's hard to fit all the pieces together in your mind doesn't mean that they don't connect and influence each other.

Something to think about: The Earth is 4.6 billion years old. Let’s scale that to 46 years. We have been here for 4 hours. Our industrial revolution began 1 minute ago. In that time, we have destroyed more than 50% of the world’s forests.

This isn’t sustainable.

The UK, Northern Japan Chile are not the whole world and spring is not the whole year. 2013 was tied with 2003 for the 6th warmest year in the instrumental record.


I now await your ad homs regarding GISSTemp.

You might want to look up what "deplete" means before using it in a sentence.

EDIT: Typical denier, you still think you're correct even when faced with evidence to the contrary.

Not only is CO2 absolutely necessary for life on earth, but elevation of Carbon Dioxide levels tend to FOLLOW temperature change, not precede it. These people--always more concerned about dogma, than facts--have the cart before the horse. And, the switch from the AGW label to the ACC label (and the East Anglia emails, admitting that the dire predictions were not fulfilled and insisting that temperature changes were not the real issue) suggests something suspicious has been going on (i.e., a hidden agenda). Let he who has ears hear!!!

Gringo - Big government, you those libtards you vote for, is behind big oil. They are addicted to the tax revenue from it. LOL!

Why are AGW cultists so against life itself? CO2 is an absolute necessity for nearly every living thing on earth. So is sunlight yet lunatic fringe in the AGW cult are scheming up ways to get rid as much CO2 as possible and reduce solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface by blocking some of it. Reduce the ability for plants to live and reduce the ability for nearly every other organism to survive. How insane are these people who call themselves 'scientists?'


Global Warming ended in 2012 and all non solids that rise up into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness by Natures chemicals. Mike

-In 2013, the UK had the coldest spring since 1963.

-In March 2013, Northern Japan received record snowfall–up to 16 ft thick just south of Aomori.

-In October 2013, the worst frost in more than 80 years hit Chile and damaged 50 million boxes of fruit for export—damages were over $1 billion.

-And my personal favourite—an expedition vessel full of Climate Change scientists became trapped in Antarctic sea ice 10 feet thick on Christmas Day 2013.

These true-life stories are examples of global cooling—from all over the globe.

“If one accepts the notion that the sun, which provides over 95% of the heat energy to the surface of the earth, has the potential to impact temperatures, it would be logical to incorporate observations and predictions of solar activity in climate models and forecasts – something most meteorologists and virtually all global warming enthusiasts fail to take into account when modeling earth’s climate. We believe this is because solar cycles explain climate cycles on earth too well, leaving too little room for CO2 to influence their models.” Weiss and Naleski, Unit Economics’ 2014 Report on Global Cooling.

The Real Inconvenient Truth is that there is enough flawed data to question just how serious Global Warming is, or if it’s real at all in the short to medium term. Is the hysteria warranted? Keep your mind open, despite the intense politically correct forces out there who make that a crime on this issue.


Yay, another fact free article by the editor/publisher of the 'Oil and Gas Investments Bulletin'.

You're forgetting that CO2 magically causes cooling as well now. Actually to alarmists it magically causes everything now and everything is now proof that "Climate Change" is real.

It never was science just a reason to raise taxes