> What would it take for a conservative to finally understand climate change?

What would it take for a conservative to finally understand climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I mean really it's irrefutable at this point and 97% of all scientist agree that it is a real event that is occurring right now.

A new brain?

A new set of morals?

Sure got jipped on the original set.

Sorry, but it just tickled my funny bone. :)

Oh, on second thought, were there any originals?

Man Made Climate Change destroys all LIFE. Mike

Apart from "everyone knows" what evidence do you have that: "really it's irrefutable at this point and 97% of all scientist agree"?

I challenge you to show me the evidence.

Perhaps your question should really be: "What would it take for you to finally understand that there is no proof of a 97% consensus of scientists?"

To someone like Jim Z, it's impossible, because if you believe in AGW you are not a conservative.

Climate science doesn't even understand it. When they can actually define the actual temperature that 4 parts in 10,000 (400ppm) of CO2 in the atmosphere actually represents. Right now they are saying CO2 is responsible for anywhere from 9% to 26% of the total greenhouse effect of 33C, which equals between 3C and 8.5C.

The 3 major problems they currently have are :

1) identifying increased water vapor changes in the atmosphere (water vapor is suppose to increase with the increase in temperatures caused by CO2 warming). Currently there is no measurable difference.

2) they can't even identify what the actual temperature of Earth really is. It can be anywhere between 13.3C and 14.4C. They use anomalies which are totally useless in obtaining an actual temperature. Science has clearly stated that it is currently impossible to measure. The statement "Highest global average temperatures ever recorded in instrumental history" is simply misleading and an actual lie (based on the before-mentioned reason of science's inability to obtain Earth's actual temperature)

3) The anomalies are not cooperating with their theories simply because they are averages of averages of averages. Anomalies vary by 0.75C in one year, which is the total warming they claim CO2 has increased surface temperatures in 130 years. These anomalies have been showing no statistical increase for 17 years.

There have been 78 temperature shifts in the last 4500 years (that's one every 58 years). The recent so-called abnormal increase in the "temperature anomaly" is just another temperature shift in the history of the climate.

I think you mean 97% of leftist scientists and even that is a stretch. Most leftists are smart enough to realize that our CO2 emissions are not that big of a threat. As a geologist, I find it amusing that you use the word "event" to describe the effect of our CO2 emissions which probably haven't done much if anything in your lifetime. I do appreciate, at least, that you recognize it is a political issue.

Why do you think it is about political parties, I used to think I was more of a democrat, and was pleased when Obama won, however after seeing all the nonsense about climate change, all the ridiculous over the top statements by him and Kerry, I think the voting Americans made a big mistake.

There may or may not be some climate change, but I dont think it is catastrophic, but the American climate change policies will be catastrophic for certain.

Get them to trade their stock in oil companies for stock in clean energy.

97% of all scientist agree that were hand picked and included in their little group and it was about global warming, not climate change. We all know that climate change is happening, has in the past, will in the future.

The smart ones don't deny, they shift the debate that nothing can be done.

I mean really it's irrefutable at this point and 97% of all scientist agree that it is a real event that is occurring right now.

None of that is happening