> CO2 level at 400 ppm now is the highest in the last several million years. So why is temperature not changed?

CO2 level at 400 ppm now is the highest in the last several million years. So why is temperature not changed?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We don't know that CO2 levels are the highest in the last million years. We don't know they are the highest in the last 6000 years. That is based entirely on ice core proxies that can't be calibrated to present and are probably averaged over several centuries due to how the gas is trapped. There are other problems with it as well. http://debunkhouse.wordpress.com/2010/03...

Clearly, CO2 levels have risen in the last several decades and do not correspond well to temperature changes. The reason appears to be that CO2 isn't as significant in determining temperature as alarmism requires.

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temperature has changed, glaciers are melting and oceans are warming. When you put a pot of water on your stove, does it boil right away? The planet is a very big thing, it won't heat up in 3 days.

Who says temperature hasn't changed?

2011 0.55

2012 0.58


The previous decade was the warmest on record. 2012 was the 10th warmest year on record. 2013 is on course to be in or near the top ten warmest How can you say temperature hasn't changed given this. Relying on false information is why skeptics only have credibility within their own kind.

"Why is temperature not changed?"

Well, EITHER you are an ignorant dupe of anti-science BS websites, unaware of high school level basic statistical categories, such as the difference between variation and trend,

OR Wikipedia is lying massively. Which should we presume it is?


Global warming is causing the pause in global warming that has been occurring for the past 17 years. Also climate change on earth is causing the lack of solar activity on the sun. We know it's true. Just waiting for the AGW cultists and the IPCC to formally say it.