> What is the evidence that Earth’s climate has cooled since the Cretaceous?

What is the evidence that Earth’s climate has cooled since the Cretaceous?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
also Estimate the proportion of time during the last 1 million years when Earth was in an interglacial state. Explain how you arrived at your conclusion.

The Earth was Created over 6000 years ago by GOD. False Religions and man made opinions never have and never will be Scientific Fact. Evolution has been an unproven Theory since the atheist Darwin made this crap up on the Gallapagos Islands while Drunk.

Darwin no doubt would be pushing the Global Warming Scam if living today.

You can certainly look at the widespread fossil evidence such as warm water marine species living far from the equator. You can look at fossilized stomata data from similar species today and compare. There are chemical tests that you can do in soil samples. You can see laterites (from tropical like conditions) very far from the poles. I can think of Cretaceous laterites visible in the Black Hills where I am from. It is called "the race track" since it is level and forms red soil that is easily eroded and it forms a valley pretty much around the Black Hills. The legend (story) is that it was formed from a race track and the red is from blood but in fact it is iron oxides left when nearly everything else washed away in the laterite soil. I saw on the weather today that it was minus 26 in South Dakota where I am from (maybe that was wind chill). In the Cretaceous when that soil formed, it was more like a jungle / rain forest. Of course the continent has moved north away from the equator since then too however.

For interglacials, just find the wiki article with something like this


Page 202 of the 1990 IPCC report. Everyone knows that the IPCC would not lie to us.

it's found in ice cores

which also shows global warming is real and man made


also Estimate the proportion of time during the last 1 million years when Earth was in an interglacial state. Explain how you arrived at your conclusion.