> Did President Bush cause Global Warming?

Did President Bush cause Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If you say no then why are the polar bears going extinct? Is this science, truth, a dream, plum, or conspiracy? I'm hungry, I'm gonna get some toast.

Toast sounds good. I'll be there soon

I remember when they had an earthquake near Washington DC shortly after Obama got elected. They found it was caused by an unknown fault which they named Bush's fault (OK they didn't really name it that. It was actually called Exxon Mobil or Cheney's fault, I forget which). The only real problem with Bush is that he was too much like Obama. He never met a spending bill he didn't like. Then the democrats won and showed Bush how you can really go on an out of control spending spree. I don't see how you can burn trillions of dollars without causing some global warming.

No he did not cause it, CO2 is causing it and we are all contributing by dumping CO2 from fossil fuels into the atmosphere.

However President Bush's policy regarding global warming was written by the world's most powerful oil company. (This is old news)

All we need to do is stop dumping CO2 from fossil fuels into the atmosphere. However there will always be people who are unwilling to take responsibility for cleaning up the mess they made, this is a sad fact of life. Maybe we should blame their parents for not instilling a sense of decency in childhood.

Global warming was around long before Bush (either of them) was President. In fact, George W Bush would have been a young boy when scientists first began warning of the dangers of manmade global warming. When global warming was first hypothesised James Madison was President of the US, it was conclusively scientifically proven during the administration of Grover Cleveland.

Did Bush CAUSE warming? Everybody contributes to global warming, some more than others. Bush had a gigantic carbon footprint, but that’s to be expected given the lifestyle that comes with being President.

People are gonna blame Bush for everything. Give a rest now. What is Obama doing about global warming?

Not really, but he helped Global Warming along by taking the U. S. out of Kyoto and trying to muzzle James Hansen.

The Polar Bears are doing quite well.

Al Gore is the 'cause' of Global Warming. Prior to him, that industry did not really exist.

Everyone in the world contributes to Global Warming. Not only him (if he did). EVERBODY.

Might as well blame him. He is the goat for everything else.

Liberal Rule Number 1: Never, never, never, never, take the blame for anything negative.

Liberal Rule Number 2: If you even get a twinge of accepting the blame refer to rule one immediately and take two aspirin.

Liberal Rule Number 3: For the entire next decade blame Bush. Repeat after me, “It’s all Bush’s fault!”

You're seriously trolling, or really not all that smart. So just because he screwed up on Iraq, you're gonna make him the scape goat of every problem? Leave that job to Obama (no wait, he doesn't need that anymore since he has his second term). Do some research, kid.

If you say no then why are the polar bears going extinct? Is this science, truth, a dream, plum, or conspiracy? I'm hungry, I'm gonna get some toast.

No it was caused by greatly increased solar activity (modern solar maximum) and polar bears are increasing in numbers.

This climate change science is an error