> Where does this leave the "missing heat" is in the deep ocean theory?

Where does this leave the "missing heat" is in the deep ocean theory?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ozone chemical bans and missing heat are different topics.

I'm skeptical.

I dont know about ozone, I have read conflicting statements, one study said that the reason the Antarctic is colder now and the ice extent increasing is because the ozone hole is normalizing, ozone also effects temperature in the stratosphere in a process I don't fully understand.

I always thought ozone had nothing to do with our climate, but I'm not so sure now.

The missing heat in the oceans has always been an excuse, one that can not be proved either way, as they are so massive and it is impossible to measure heat content from surface to ocean floor.

Well that is interesting. They banned R12 to stop poking a hole in the Ozone layer. That has proven that it wasn't scientifically accurate since a new and larger hole came about after the ban. But let us say that it did, what exactly was the chemical/energy action that came to this result? Can we control the earth's temperature by controlling the Ozone layer? Does Ozone filter the Sun's light? If so, why don't we eliminate expensive scrubbers and pollute. Pollution, from what I hear, filters the Sun's light. Maybe China is saving the world with all its pollution.

I think they should stop and think about that, especially with a scientific mind.

Blue Ocean Strategy is a business strategy book first published in 2005 and written by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne of The Blue Ocean Strategy Institute at INSEAD. The book illustrates what the authors believe is the best organizational strategy to generate growth and profits. Blue Ocean Strategy suggests that an organization should create new demand in an uncontested market space, or a "Blue Ocean", rather than compete head-to-head with other suppliers in an existing industry.

First I have ever heard CFCs were 10K stronger than CO2 Without a link, I think it is simply an exorbitant claim. http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/politic... This link speaks to it

If cfcs are cooling the planet how do you explain Jan-Sept 2013 being tied as the sixth warmest on record. I think it would take a significant amount of time to determine there is cooling and even more time to point the blame scientifically to CFCs.

Once again why can't your ilk refrain from nit picking and show some real climate science attributable to a real climatologist to support the DA denier claim that AGW isn't real. I have participated in this forum for 2 years and have never see anything but distractions and jargon that proves nothing regarding AGW from youse guys.

Here is an interesting link regarding ocean heating http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cas/Trenberth/we...

***I expect he is not mentioned because this is a decidedly denier focused article. The author doesn't even provide her last name Odd don't you think?

The problem with attributing any reversals or stalls as a result of CFC regulations ignores the fact that CFCs are at or near their historically highest levels. Only recently have CFC levels begun to fall and they are down only slightly from their highs.

The fact that the ozone hole has shrunk in spite of little change in CFC levels is telling.

There is a mindset with alarmists, I call it a neurosis, that any change in climate has to be caused by humans. This is just another albeit amusing example.

So now the missing heat is in the hole in the ozone. It is kind of apropos in a somewhere over the rainbow kind of way.

.1C would only be 5 years of greenhouse gas warming. The conclusion of the study is that greenhouse gases cause warming and reducing them can slow warming. It says nothing about the absorption of heat by the oceans.

This was a purely statistical study which found correlations but made no attempt at explanations. Such exercises have their place but should not be taken alone.


Ask Climate Scientist George Clooney maybe He has a lab in his Basement .

Maybe the heat radiated out on the dark side of Earth ?

Or its not missing at all ?

Warmists love to screech about the laws of physics, but they are quick to put them aside when it comes to their 'missing heat' moving into the deep oceans.

Of all the really dumb things Warmists have spouted, their 'missing heat has sank into the deep oceans' claim is easily the dumbest. What will they be saying next? --- cold air rises and hot air sinks?


"A new study suggests that the ozone chemical bans implemented by different countries have contributed in the slow effect of global warming. Researchers believe that if the ban wasn't implemented, the global temperature may be 0.1C warmer than now." http://www.hngn.com/articles/17034/20131111/ozone-chemical-bans-linked-to-slower-effects-of-global-warming.htm

Actually, Trenberth's theory doesn't even get a mention. What's up with that?