> Why is global warming considered a bad thing?

Why is global warming considered a bad thing?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There are certainly quite a number of benefits to global warming and in previous questions I’ve listed several of them. Here’s a list of 20 benefits:


In another question I listed many of the disadvantages, again there are many of them:


So you can see, there are two sides to global warming and for some it will be a good thing and for others a bad thing. Much depends on where you live.

People in colder climates will be the ones who see the greatest benefits, those that are already living in hot climates will be the ones who suffer the most. Unfortunately, there are many more people living in the areas that will be adversely affected so the net effect is a bad one.

World food production is facing a problem of which climate change is one part. As the population grows so does demand, but agricultural advances have slowed in recent decades compared to the significant improvements that were made previously. The result is that for the first time ever, the global population exceeds agricultural output, even if all the food were shared equally between everyone.

Whilst warmer conditions mean longer growing seasons, this really only applies in the temperate climate zones. In the more arid regions it’s rain that’s required to boost yields far more than warmer conditions. And with the disruption to global weather patterns these rains are becoming increasingly unpredictable and when they do arrive it’s often in the form of intense rainfall leading to flash flooding. Flooding is now becoming a common theme in many parts of Africa and Asia resulting in devastating crop losses.

What we are seeing, outside of the hottest regions, is a transition in farming. With warmer conditions and more extremes of weather farmers are increasingly turning to crops that are better suited to cope with the changed weather and so we’re seeing more pulses, oils, nuts etc being grown and less reliance on some of the more traditional foods such as wheat and potatoes.

This is fine for us as we live in climate zones where these transitions can easily be made, the problems occur for those living in areas of extreme climates where they are already growing the hardiest crops they can. They don’t have the luxury of switching to alternatives and have to make do as best they can.

Bear in mind also, when our crops are affected by heatwaves and floods, as they increasingly are, we simply import supplies to make up for any shortage. Mot of the world’s populations don’t have this option. If their crops fail they die.

For you personally, global warming may be a good thing (I hope that it is), but when you look at the global picture it’s something we could well do without.

It is.

Here is the proof.

Warmer water in the oceans pumps more energy into tropical storms, making them stronger and potentially more destructive. Even with storms of the same intensity, future hurricanes will cause more damage as higher sea levels exacerbate storm surges, flooding, and erosion.

Warning signs today:

The number of category 4 and 5 storms has greatly increased over the past 35 years, along with ocean temperature.

Hurricane Katrina of August 2005 was the costliest and one of the deadliest hurricanes in U.S. history and caused economic losses in the order of $125 billion.

Drought and Wildfire

Warmer temperatures could increase the probability of drought. Greater evaporation, particularly during summer and fall, could exacerbate drought conditions and increase the risk of wildfires.

Warning signs today:

The 1999-2002 national drought was one of the three most extensive droughts in the last 40 years.

Warming may have lead to the increased drought frequency that the West has experienced over the last 30 years.

The 2006 wildland fire season set new records in both the number of reported fires as well as acres burned. Close to 100,000 fires were reported and nearly 10 million acres burned, 125 percent above the 10-year average.

Firefighting expenditures have consistently totaled upwards of $1 billion per year.

Intense Rainstorms

Warmer temperatures increase the energy of the climatic system and can lead to heavier rainfall in some areas. Scientists project that climate change will increase the frequency of heavy rainstorms, putting many communities at risk for devastation from floods. Check the map of flood vulnerability in the United States.

Warning signs today:

National annual precipitation has increased between 5 and 10 percent since the early 20th century, largely the result of heavy downpours.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports that intense rain events have increased in frequency during the last 50 years and human-induced global warming most likely contributed to the trend.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Northeast region had its wettest summer on record in 2006, exceeding the previous record by more than 1 inch.

Here's something no one seems to have considered, but if all the polar ice melted we would gain Antarctica. There are only 7 continents on this planet and one of them is totally useless. 14 million square kilometres of barren wasteland. Nothing lives in Antarctica its a dead continent. Sure there are penguins and whales and seals but these are marine animals that live in the cold waters AROUND Antarctica, and would likely still flourish if the landmass itself was largely ice free. Gaining an entire continent would be a huge boom both for us and the natural world.

It isn't. Life flourishes in warm climates as proven from geological evidence.

Considering that the earth was warmer many times in the past than it is today there is no evidence that warmer climates are harmful to like. The opposite has been proven. Colder climates are harmful to life.

It does not mean extended growing season everywhere. It will extend for some places. but this will be temporary for many. Longer growing season will bring about longer insect season and a higher demand for for water, which is already in short supply worldwide Keep in mind that there will be a combination of warming and some places will get harsher winters

There will also be flooding and drought and mud slides effecting crops in other areas

Al Gore said the "ice caps would melt by 2013"

cause the hotter the weather gets. the more the icebergs melt. which raises the amount of water in the ocean. and if we keep this going.. new york would be gone. and water would take over lots of places. its bad cause the weather would rapidly change. some people say it can cause the end of the world :O but i belive in it. and im sorry if i didnt ask ur quistion.. but thats what would happen :P

It is not a bad thing, more likely beneficial, but unfortunately it wont happen as CO2 has little effect on our climate and our climate is likely to cool down again.

Ask oklahoma or australia if like the heat.

The small amount of warming that happened was not a bad thing. It was VERY beneficial.

Bumper crops WORLDWIDE has been the result of the slightly warmer weather along with the CO2 enriched atmosphere. Of course the advocates of man-made Global Warming try to deny this fact, but the evidence is overwhelming.

Low food prices and repeated bumper crops worldwide (2000)


Four consecutive years of bumper crops worldwide (2000)


2007 U.S. Corn Crop Predicted Largest in History


Predicting a record wheat crop worldwide (2008)


Historical Increase In Corn Yield (2009)


Rice growers headed for strong yields in 2009


Argentina's Bumper Crop of Corn (2010)


Global rice production set to hit record in 2011-2012


Stupendous IPCC Prediction Failure: Global Warming Will Cause Crop Failure & Starvation --- BUT WHAT ARE THE FACTS --- charts clearly demonstrate the agricultural abundance that "global warming" has delivered


Many Bumper crops reported worldwide, while Warmists try to say crops are failing


With warmer weather, increased CO2 and plentiful rainfall, one would expect a dramatic increase in food production and that is exactly what has happened.

But of course Warmists are crestfallen over this fact because their narrative does not allow any good news in connection to their catastrophic man-made Global Warming scam.

I have many more links to reports of Bumper Crops Worldwide, if you want more just ask.


But now the world appears to be cooling and it's too bad we didn't get to enjoy the good weather because we had greedy Warmists screeching in our ears that we were all going to die because of man-made Global Warming. Man-made Global Warming is a complete HOAX.


One would understand warmer temperatures means an extended growing season in all parts of the world. I would love a growing season starting in late winter and ending in early winter; the world production of food would double, if not triple. Storms haven't been getting more intense due to global warming, so why does everyone claim global warming is bad?

I can name plenty of reasons why a warming climate is a good thing, but I can't name one reason why cooling climate is a good thing.

Note: I do not believe global warming is occurring, but hypothetically speaking, if it were, why would it be a bad thing?

its good for saving heat cost