> Do you agree with Dr Peiser on the issue of so-called "global warming"?

Do you agree with Dr Peiser on the issue of so-called "global warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
He must have been reading up on our answers. See greenies, intelligent people agree with us. Ha! Ha! Maybe we should call this site the University of Y!A.

Look at Booji, his answer is a 'sour grapes' if I ever saw one. He would rather listen to Al Gore who got a BS degree. (You know what I mean.) He would rather listen to Paul Ehrlich, a butterfly expert. He would rather listen to the likes of Jimmy Hansen, you know, the former head of GISS and now a full time Communist activist. BTW he never received a 'climate science' degree either. Ha! Ha! I guess Grungo's bad mouthing honest people is infectious, Booji caught the bug. I wonder who is pulling Booji's strings? His icon doesn't show that much, but it is apparent he is a puppet for someone.

Yes, I don't think he said anything in that article with which I would disagree.

The number of reasons discovered for the pause or hiatus as it is sometimes called by climate scientists (note: all you real deniers) now exceeds 50.

That means that those 50+ things are new findings that would not have been included in the models previously. So the settled science was not as settled as we first thought.

When it comes to nature nothing is written in stone. Scientists often try to predict the unpredictable. I'm reminded of this every time I check the weather predictions for the up coming week. They constantly change it, sometimes by the hour, because it's impossible to get it right the first time every time.

If they wanted to say anything about global warming they should have said: "This is the pattern we've seen over x number of years, but we really don't know what the future will hold. We THINK it will continue this way but it's really impossible to predict what Mother Nature will do."

True believers in science will give me thumbs down because they are the ones that are really closed minded.

The Global Warming Policy Forum. Just what is the this? - http://www.thegwpf.org/who-we-are/

As you can see, by their own admission, they are not scientists. It is an economist think tank, if you take what they say at face value. Let us investigate a little further. Lord Lawson, an actual Lord, unlike "Lord" Monckton, - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigel_Lawso...

Who is Dr. Benny Peiser? - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benny_Peise...

Why is that the fossil fuel industries' denial marionettes so easily believe people like this when they scrutinize so closely all of the climatologists and find them so difficult to believe?

I don't agree there is a 'pause'


Benny Josef Peiser is a social anthropologist specialising in the environmental and socio-economic impact of physical activity on health.

Peiser established the Cambridge Conference Network in 1997. Peiser acknowledges that he is "not a climate scientist" and has "never claimed to be one."

Fabricated quote used to discredit climate scientist;


And why are people who call themselves "skeptics" refuse to check whether their even is an 18 year pause. All you have to do is check a woodfortrees graph.


Yes, at least this man is ATTEMPTING to be objective.


Dr Peiser, from the Global Warming Policy Forum states that with the current 18 year pause in so-called "global warming" the science is now in a state of a "crisis of credibility" because the global warming - and accompanied 'Doomsday' effects - that we were once warned about has not happened. And "that the public has become more skeptical because they were told we are facing Doomsday, and suddenly they realize ‘Where is the warming that we were promised?’"

"They say we can predict the climate and the reality is that they can’t."

He then goes to say "climate change is not as pressing of an issue as it once was, a fact that should be embraced by the scientific community."


Do you agree with Dr. Peiser and should the scientific community accept that so-called "global warming" is no longer a pressing issue for the public?