> Environmental science thesis help 10points?

Environmental science thesis help 10points?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You've been propagandized. CO2 does not drive temperature like Al Gore wants you to believe.

CO2 is a blessing and not a curse, it’s an essential compound for the planet's life cycle. Plant life requires CO2 in order to grow and increased CO2 in the air causes plants to grow faster, which is more food for a hungry world. In return, plants give off oxygen, that's why the world never runs out of oxygen.

In spite of what Warmists say, there is no correlation to show CO2 drives temperature, that is simply not true and a Warmist lie. They tell this lie because they want to use CO2 as the object of a world tax. In reality, you can't live without making CO2 --- people and animals exhale it.

No correlation to show CO2 drives temperature (graphs)


Plants grow faster with more CO2 (indisputable scientific fact)


It's been cooling for at least 12 years with the highest CO2 levels in thousands of years (according to Warmists). http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

I don't know if there are that many people measuring CO2 levels in the Arctic. It is the global CO2 level that is trapping heat.

The Arctic is also affected by black soot from Asia.

Also, a warmer Arctic could be beneficial, as more crops can grow.

If I could go back in time I would have done my thesis on the Illuminati bloodlines and their control over 1,000's of years. Your thesis will be fine but this is the last place you should be taking advice. Nothing but make believe scientists and skeptics here.

Harvey- dude your hilarious, you make me LOL a lot. Between you and sagebrush......I'm entertained.

I did mine on comparing ancient mythology (greek, irish, roman, and egyptian) as all being the same stories just with different names. Also I found out that the story of Jesus is just that a story. It was told well before Jesus was said to be born, we all worship the same deity just different names. Long story short go with something you are into and will research hard. I was really into my thesis....unfortunately for some stupid reason I left college just shy of graduating in favor of a high paying job in a family business....finished a couple years later however so technically it was all for nothing. Boise State baby!!!!

Amazing how many people who don't know what they're talking about love to spout off about how global warming isn't happening.

It's a good concept, do your research learn the facts and offer both the pros and cons. Check out the ice melt dates (sea ice) over the last 200 years and determine what creatures rely on the ice for survival. Polar Bears and Harp seals.

this site might be helpful and someone there might even write you back


don't pay attention to the Deniers with their phoney sciency talk

The Koch Bros have paid millions to fool people like them

It's old and tired. That nonsense has been run into the ground.

How about thesis: Does soot on the ice help penguins hide from polar bears? And never mind that penguins and polar bears occupy opposite poles. That just demonstrates how good they are at hiding from polar bears.

All non solids, like co2, carbon monoxide, smoke, gases, etc. that rise into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness, so the sun's ray's can warm earth as it rotates to grow plants that give food and oxygen so all species can survive. This has been going on like this for thousands of years. In 2008 I proved with an experiment that earth's environment was and is safe and does'nt have anything to do with Global Warming to 350 million people and the 43,000 scientists that ex-president Bush hired to find the cause and the solution. I proved that our environment was and is safe. All the scientists had a survey in a Oregon college or university and all agreed with my facts. They told Bush this, but Bush was so mad at everyone fore voting for a muslim rather than for CAINE that he held a summit to lie to everyone, but with my security clearance I tied in with most of the Leaders on earth and told them the truth with proof and they told Bush at a whitehouse summit meeting that he was wrong. Later in 2008, My Global Teams from all walks of life ran experiments before they got fired upon and found that the cause of Global Warming was an Alien Organism. In 2008, when all my Teams were searching earth for Global Warming. The Russian Drones found Global warming, without even knowing it. When My teams found the same location, My Teams in all iced areas Said on each shut down of Global Warming all freshwater on top of saltwater from melting Glaciers and Glaciers froze, so we know we had the right location. Reason it was'nt found immediately, is because it was under the Russian Farms, so I pulled my teams out and had them start my Global warming solution around each of their continents (44 countries). in 2011 I figured out a solution called The Triple Output and emailed it to the Russian Embassy. In 2012 they implemented it so they could grow 4 times more food per farm, per year to feed their people better and at the same time TURNED OFF Global Warming, confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012. Todays weather is like it was in the 1970's before Global Warming. All 4 season's have returned to normal naturally, so get used to it. Global Command = American civilian near Raymond, Washington State.

It doesn't matter. Say CO2 bad, factories bad, civilization bad, people bad, and your liberal professors will eat it up. Nevermind that decided lack of biodiversity in the artic. Nevermind that the earth was much warmer with much more CO2 and the plant life of the Earth was greater in the past. Nevermind that the only reason we have so much oil is that the plant life during those periods were so much more lush. Just tell them what they want to hear.

Keep your ten points I am not open to bribery

I wanted to do my essay on the rising levels of c02 and how it affects the environment in the arctic.

my thesis: Risings levels of CO2 in the arctic result in negative consequences on the climate and biodiversity.

is it too broad/not good?

I wanted to do my essay on environment in the arctic so any help is appreciated :)