> Is a degree in climate science worth anything, without AGW?

Is a degree in climate science worth anything, without AGW?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Without AGW, I'm sure the grant money for climate studies would decrease. I'm not sure though that's related to the worth of climate science education. We'd certainly still need a fairly good program to study various aspect of climate.

I know what pegminer is thinking right now but I need to highlight that I only have a problem with a few select climate scientists. I would call these guys celebrity scientists and they got that way by being activists and stretching science like linking global warming with extreme weather.

The ones like James Hansen and Michael Mann are way over the top. Even Kevin Trenberth who may be qualified started down the dark path when he called a press conference regarding hurricanes (i.e. the one that caused Chris Landea to resign from the IPCC). And hurricanes aren't even Trenberth's specialty.

So called 'climate science' has placed a huge burden on the taxpayers of the world and the only thing we have got for the hundreds of billion of dollars poured into it is a bunch of failed climate models.


In the mid-1970's scientists trying to foretell climate including John Holdren, Hubert Lamb (founder of the CRU), Stephen Schneider and others were screeching about Global COOLING, they were wrong. Now they are screeching about man-made Global Warming and they are wrong again. And from some of the statements I'm reading from current day climate scientists, it sounds like they are trying to go back to predictions of Global Cooling again.

Climate Science seems to be more of an 'art' than a science, and the only thing they excel at is making up a new story to get more funding. They have been doing this to taxpayers worldwide for more than 30 years and of course they still want more funding.

So in direct answer to your question, without man-made Global Warming or some new dreamed-up 'crisis' the climate scientists might have to go and get a real job.


You really don't understand how important climate is, do you? Ever hear of financial derivatives? Well the market in weather derivatives is in the tens of billions of dollars--that's a lot of money. Climate scientists and meteorologists are hired by financial companies at six-figure salaries. It's not just derivatives, either, it's commodities in general. That market is in the trillions of dollars, and most non-metallic commodities (energy and agriculture) are dependent on climate. There's also the insurance and re-insurance market--again, highly dependent on climate. How about water planning? You don't think water planners in California would like to know what's on the horizon.

Just because you don't know about a field doesn't mean it's not valuable.

I have a brother-in-law who is a climatologist that researches hurricanes. Their is more research than just AGW, Climatologist work in sever weather (hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, floods, etc); the interactions between atmosphere and the oceans, land, land forms, ecosystem; they develop models to reproduce past climates or that are used in forecasting; they work with engineers and planners with development to design structures that can withstand potential extreme weather events, are more energy efficient and reduce the impact of adverse weather on populations of the areas; the work in agriculture to help identify plants that can withstand certain stresses and help identify the potential stresses so that plants can be modified that can withstand severe climates; the military uses climatologists to identify potential triggers to problems, ways to respond well ahead of time to diffuse the problems if the probability of occurring surpasses a threshold.

The degree is very advanced. You typically need a BS in meteorology - climatology requires more advanced courses. Most climatologist have a strong background in math, physics, computer science, geology, geography and often specialize in oceanography, biology, agriculture, civil and mechanical engineering, architecture,chemistry, remote sensing, GIS, etc. Lots of options and relatively few can handle the rigorous math and physics load. I had a few courses in climatology when I was getting my PhD, and the people in the courses I took (a couple of low-level graduate courses and senior level undergraduate courses) would do difficult integrations just to "relax" (just like working a cross word puzzle during flying). The job titles they fill are often not labelled "climatology" - that is typically a very specific postilion in a government agency. They are often called engineers, research or development specialist, and such. If they take a job in private industry, it typically depends on their specialty what jobs they get.

I've worked with engineers, geologist, environmental scientist, chemist, and biologist doing risk assessment work, and they were smart folks. The climatologists I know have PEs and PGs on top of being programmers. They typically don't have a lot of problems getting a job because their expertise is so extensive, and there are relativity few compared to engineers, computer scientist, and such.

Certainly a degree in climate science is worth something. Did you think that if the AGW was not happening that our planet would be void of any climate? ... Now, if you want a degree that would make you a lot more money than this then you would need to seek a degree that any of the fossil fuel industries would seek out. That is where the money is and that is why they help to finance the merchants of doubt that wish us to believe that the AGWT is wrong or that AGW can be successfully adapted to.

You can be on the weather channel. However they are not going to hire anti AGW people otherwise their propaganda is hurt.


What is your conspiracy? Obviously you have to think their is some conspiracy otherwise why do so many believe in AGW including well educated scientists.

You say my well researched conspiracy is ridiculous but think about how ridiculous you sound when well more the 70% of climate scientist believe AGW is real and a serious problem????

I think personally your just as ignorant as the believers if you think that the small minority of climate scientist who are anti AGW are the right ones when the overwhelming consensus is against your opinion.

Why is that? Someone must be controlling this? Or do you believe your just smarter then everyone else and billions of people are just ignorant and thousands upon thousands of well educated scientist are wrong.

Get real and open your mind to the truth and see a bigger picture. Don't live in this small mental box. Research and expand your knowledge to all possibility.

Personally my conspiracy, if true, is the only logical explanation the rest is just non sense.

They'll have to invent a new scam of course.

Let's see how smart they are. So far they have spent a lot of time in cold places at the poles. If they have learned anything the next scam will involve beautiful sunny beaches, lawn chairs, cold beers and a thermometer between their hot thighs.

Actually it is worth much more without AGW. With AGW, their field is given a bad name, and makes their degrees seem worthless.

You can always tell when someone is uneducated because they attack people who have degrees. Sad.

Wikipedia is your friend.

I get the feeling that you climate scientists would be flipping burgers with that overpriced piece of paper, unless there is AGW.

But, I was wrong once before...

So, what can you do with a climate science degree, other than AGW?