> How are humans affecting the climate change?

How are humans affecting the climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And how can they reduce it

They aren't.

The Planet is surrounded by natural greenhouse gases and man made greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide gas methane gas etc.. all this is produced by factory's, cars gas powered furnaces etc.. When the sun produces light energy, around 1/4 of it reflect off our atmosphere the rest penetrates it and enters Earth.... Some of the light then gets reflected off the surface of earth and the rest gets absorbed by the Earth. The ones that get reflected head straight back to the atmosphere and the lights heat gets trapped inside of the greenhouse gases atmosphere that's how the earth stays warm! with out greenhouse gases we would be in the middle of another ice age! However the world is heating up because we are producing more of the greenhouse gases. So the more greenhouse gases the warmer the earth gets because the more greenhouse gases the more heat it traps... But because the earth is heating up the seas are warming up too. when water gets hot

it expands so at the moment the sea is expanding this is called thermal expansion, when there is thermal expansion the sea levels rise so low lying country's/places will flood eventually. Also when the world heats up the wind heats up. warm wind with cool wind produces storms... so the more warm and cool winds combining the bigger the storms the bigger chances of producing tornadoes etc.. However if we stop with all this stuff now and turn green by using solar power, wind energy etc. it will take 500 years for global temperatures to drop to normal temperature! We better start now or never because sooner or later the world is going under!

Man has chosen not to adapt to the environment and habitat we were graced with. Instead man has tried to force the environment to adapt to his wants and needs. He has done this primarily via the use of technology, chemistry, and bio-engineering in an attempt to expand the carrying capacity of the earth. As with any manipulation of nature there will be severe, unintended, and irreversible side-effects. Air, Water, and Soil pollution have all had effects on the Earth's ecosystem and will continue to do so. So long as economic growth (and its close ally, population growth) is the primary driver of governments and the powerful, little will change. Ultimately this will be man's demise.

"I am pessimistic about the human race because it is too ingenious for its own good. Our approach to nature is to beat it into submission. We would stand a better chance of survival if we accommodated ourselves to this planet and viewed it appreciatively instead of skeptically and dictatorially."

- E.B. White

"Can anyone believe it is possible to lay down such a barrage of poisons on the surface of the earth without making it unfit for all life?" - Rachel Carson

"Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end by destroying the earth."

-Albert Schweitzer

The answers are all around you. manufacturing plants dumping carbon dioxide into the air, millions upon millions of automobiles pumping carbon monoxide into the air, the large scale decimation of the rain forests etc etc.


This website answers your question

Still amazes me when people talk about carbon monoxide when they mean carbon dioxide.

They heat us up thinking about being slowly cooked in our own juices.



And how can they reduce it