> Was it hypocritical for AlGore to sell his struggling TV network to oil barons in the middle east?

Was it hypocritical for AlGore to sell his struggling TV network to oil barons in the middle east?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Of course it is total hypocrisy!


Gore says there is only dirty oil and dirtier oil. That probably he got paid with filthy lucre. Ha! Ha! He laughs at you greenies all the way to the bank. Of course he made sure the deal went through before taxes increased.


And why shouldn't he? President Obama was propped up with BIG OIL money!


The Al Jazeera folks have more experience managing news networks.

I think it pretty safe to assume that you haven't watched Al Jazeera America.

It is, in fact, pretty honest news.

Maybe much like the CSM channel.

The problem is that I suspect that you like fox but don't like Al Jazeera because of the name.

I've watched both, and clearly Al Jazeera news is far better. More honest.

Maybe you saw Hannity nearly get whiplash, praising, then denying that he liked Cliven Bundy.

That didn't happen anywhere else, other than in the deluded right wing media.

But that's alright, just keep your head securely buried in the sand that is conservative media.

C is entirely correct. How does asking if Al Gore, the most prominent global warming alarmist in the world, selling his TV station to Arabs, (who made their fortune selling dirty stinking man made CO2 producing oil to the world that supposed worsens global warming) is a hypocrite have anything to do with global warming.

I just don't see the connection myself. Nowhere. It's like asking who won the Daytona 500 on a NASCAR forum. How are the two related?

Oh, and the answer is YES. He is a huge hypocrite, as are most climate change alarmists.

Hey he is a rich politician what do you expect. actually Al Jazerra is not bad ( a bit depressing) Fox news is hopeless much too frivolous for my tastes

Of course not. This brings US dollars back to the US, and takes money away from the "oil barons".

Only in the eyes of people who think that one should not sell to those who offer the best deal.

try a question that actually has something to do with GW
