> Do people live in antarctica?

Do people live in antarctica?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
people do live there but most are not permanent, many countries operate stations, there is a cost rise depending on where those stations are, the easiest is on the Antarctic Peninsula it is (by Antarctic standards) warmest, then you have coastal stations these are more expensive and are mostly supplied by ship supplemented by planes. Most expensive is inland, and only a few countries operate inland stations.

Each country also vary the time people can stay, my own (Australia) has a general rule of one "season" for a winterer's which can be as long as 18 months but most are ~1 year, the U.S. is similar the British have a standard or 2 years for winterer's. These are limits imposed for physiological reasons. On the Peninsula it can be a little different a couple of South American countries allow family groups and semi permanent residence as they wish to use these stations to make territorial claims, these are quite different and operate as real small towns rather than research stations, usually with a military presence, where most continental stations are civilian and scientific in nature.

Xi Gua "nop there are no houses there"

Actually there are many, ours (Australia) are called AANBUS buildings


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As for scientists, actually they are the smaller number of visitors, as any station needs maintenance and safety to survive, so electricians, carpenters, plumbers, electronics/radio personal, cooks and doctors.

scientists are usually in the minority of a stations general population.

Luluhoodie: not sure where you visited but most stations have medical facilities including at least one doctor, Australian stations have the equivalent of a small basic hospital at each of our 4 station and 3 of those are on the continent, Mawson, Davis and Casey.

Certainly most stations are geared as a work environments as I said we don't have family groups as is the case at most other countries stations, but as I also said the Chileans do, as they wish to make territorial claims

This station has a school and even a bank


mmmmm, 5 thumbs down but not one attempt to refute anything I said, deniers are sad little creatures.

No , only scientists go there in research purposes. But now because of global warming ice is melting and climate becomes suitable. So, people may live there in future .

No there are scientists working there for half the year but no one permanently lives there

Hope this helps xxx

No, but a few groups of travelers and scientists visit there every so often for only a few months and less.

They only live there on a temporary basis, primarily to conduct research projects.

No but some stay for brief periods

It mainly scientists that live there,none permanently

There are people who make extended visits there, but no one calls it home.

Yes, I'm thinking about buying a nice cottage down there with a hole in the middle so I can do some ice fishing.

yes they do really people do live their maybe to help the animals

If they do live there, they have to transport their food, shelter, and goods to survive. It is probably the most inhospitable place on earth.

Yes, it is where ice road truckers are trained for the reality show.