> What's your best parody or analogy of denialist arguments?

What's your best parody or analogy of denialist arguments?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What a cold Spring. The seasons must be a hoax. There has been no warming for 18 days.

It's very cold in the city. The urban heat island effect must be a hoax. I have been walking towards the core and there has been no warming for 18 blocks.

Raw sewage is plant food. Therefore, it can't be bad. Only alarmunists favor treating sewage. We should be drinking it.

OK, Let me have at it:

Warmer: The world is ending from CO2 emissions. We are all going to die.

"Denier": Calm down and tell me what you think the problem is.

Warmer: Well Co2 causes warming. Warming is going to increase exponentially and we won't be able to feed ourselves and we will all die. Plus the sea are rising and going to take us all out.

"Denier": Ok, CO2 does cause some warming, but it does not appear to be much. All we are seeing is 0.8 degrees over the last 100 years. Why do you think it will rise exponentially. Also crop production has been increasing faster than population, so why do you think AGW is going to stop our ability to feed ourselves. The seas are rising, but only at 3mm/year, slightly concerning, but not a catastrophe.

Warmer: You are a liar and against science.

"Denier": How am I a liar or against science?

Warmer: You are because 97% of scientists say you are.

"Denier": The poll you are referring only taks about whether CO2 causes some warming and is of some concern, I certainly does not say that anything I have stated is false or a lie.

Warmer: Liar liar liar poopy-head denier

"Denier": Lets get back to the science. Why do you think the temps will increase exponentially?

Warmer: Because the models say so, you anti-science lying denier

"Denier": 95% of those models are overestimating the current temps.

Warmer: Liar, they are but you are a liar.

"Denier": OK what doyou want to do about this?

Warmer: Taxation. Taxes solve everything

"Denier": What? Why not try to use nuclear. It doesn't produce CO2, is so safe that while providing 19% of the US power, has led to 0 US deaths, and it can be doen inexpensively.

Warmer: NO NO NO. You are a liar, nuclear will make you have green glowing children with five arms and if you disagree you hate science. Fukishima, neener neener neener

"Denier": You will not have green-glowing five-armed children. The US has seen 0 death and I have not heard of any cases anywhere of green glowing children. Fukishima was caused by the 5th largest earthquake followed by a tsunami and still only cause a 30 year old reactor to meltdown due to known faulty placement of back-up systems. How many places in the US could be hit by a tsunami?

Warmer: Greenglowing kids, nuclear dangerous, your a liar anti-science denier. Taxation will solve everything. 97% of scientists say you are an idiot. Derp Derp.

"Denier": Facepalm

one i find funny is when they criticize someone like Leo DiCapro for flying in a jet claiming it's hypocritical.

They're suggesting one jet makes a difference, out of thousands that fly daily.

Or they point to Antarctica without mentioning the record ice loss of the Arctic

Dave Koch thinks a warmer climate means plants have more time to grow food.

Tell that to California Dave.

CO2 is plant food

It all comes from volcanoes

Thus Al Gore must be booed

As each "True Scientist" knows

Who's he think he's fooling?

Climate change is just a hoax

That's because it's cooling

Making the glaciers melt, folks

Red Greens declined to hide

Barack's birth certificate

But Kenyan mosques confide:

Al Gore ate it and got fat

Chem, you are not even able to present an example of something often said by skeptics that is not perfectly true. Your example is 'CO2 is plant food' --- well I got news for you --- that is perfectly and exactly TRUE. And if you deny that fact then it's YOU that is the denier. Where do you get the idea that anything is flawed about that statement?


I see you are still on a crusade to provide propaganda, and find simple answers to convince simple people (non thinkers) " bonus points for going over the top" that is something that alarmists are very good at, perhaps you need to look to John Kerry and his "end to the world as we know it" and instead of coming up with logic and evidence, just keep repeating catastrophic statements as loud and as often as you can.

I have one for alarmists:

Alarmist: "Wow, we had more snow than we did last year. This fits in perfectly with the AGW theory. Climate change is scary."

Alarmist one year later: "Wow, we had less snow than we did last year. This fits in perfectly with the AGW theory. Climate change is scary."

Alarmist one year later: : "Wow, we had about the same amount of snow as we did three years ago. This fits in perfectly with the AGW theory. Climate change is scary."

Oh, I guess that's not really a parody as I'm not exaggerating the argument. To an alarmist whatever happens is proof of man made climate change.

Do you mean the "The heat went into the deep oceans but we still can't find it" analogy?

... or the "hiatus from warming is still unexplainable" analogy?

Please clarify.

Deniers/skeptics aren't making "BOLD" claims of extreme climate changes due to the use of fossil fuels.

Alarmists are the ones making the "BOLD" claims. "Chicken Little Alarmism".

If the soil drains water, how come are they still seas and lakes then?

the climate changed before people burned fossil fuels.

... forest fires start naturally by lightning therefore humans cannot start forest fires.

There are a lot of frequently-recurring arguments here that use really, really, really flawed logic (CO2 is plant food, .01% change, etc). One easy way to point out the absurdity of such arguments is to apply the same logic to something else, generally something that people are more familiar with.

So, I'd like everyone to bring their best examples.

Please state the denialist/"skeptic" argument you are poking holes in. Then, state your absurd or obviously wrong example using the same basic logic.

Feel free to do as many as you wish. Bonus points for going completely over the top and absurd (while retaining the same logic structure), or for bringing up an example I haven't seen before.