> I am still struggling to understand Antarctic ice melt?

I am still struggling to understand Antarctic ice melt?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Alarmists don't have an answer for this. They just want us to BELIEVE that the ice on the land surface is melting in subzero weather and running out to the ocean. And they also want us to believe this fresh water does not mix with the ocean water for the months between summer and winter. And when winter finally comes, the fresh water is still sitting on the surface and freezes. Their story requires MUCH FAITH in their man-made Global Warming Religion.

And of course they have provided no evidence whatsoever that I've seen, that any ice is melting from the Antarctic land surface to begin with. This is just the 'say anything' crowd saying anything.


Also looking at the map of typical Summer and Winter temperatures in the Antarctic, we see that the inland areas are much colder and the surrounding seas are much warmer. So Alarmists want us to believe that the ice is melting where it's MUCH COLDER --- and freezing again where it's MUCH WARMER.

This is perfectly logical for an Alarmist, and fit's the man-made Global Warming theory PERFECTLY.


In a greenie world anything can happen.

Quote by David Frame, climate modeler, Oxford University: “Rather than seeing models as describing literal truth, we ought to see them as convenient fictions which try to provide something useful.”

You see, greenies think fiction is useful, and they have proven that it is. Just look at the piece of fiction that Al Gore's movie is. And it has shown that it works. Fiction can scare people.

Now as far as ice melting in well below freezing. The ice molecule can disappear from the surface by erosion. Some people think ice can only disappear by melting. I feel sorry for them. Case in point snow disappeared from:Mt. Kilimanjaro. The greenies had a field day until it was proven that the snow disappeared from erosion rather than melting. The temperature on that mountain is monitored. Also, the rivers flowing from the actual melting were monitored. The greenies had to backtrack. A similar occurrence occurred with the Himalayas.

It makes you wonder, who dreams up these scenarios?

That's air temperature. The sea temperature may be higher as it often is. Also if you put an ice cube in a glass of water and observe it melting you may notice that the water level does not rise. This tells me the predictions of rising sea levels is pure tripe. What do you think?

Have they provided any evidence of the land ice melting?

To answer your question, the ice can melt in different ways, such as warmer ocean water underneath the ice. Also, the temperatures across Antarctica are not uniform with the western peninsula showing lots of warming while the interior is cooling.


Climate Change dementia is nothing new. You will have this problem until the "Climate Clowns" finally realize that CO2 doesn't drive cars. It's the fossil fuels that do the pushing. :-)

To show where melt is, you would need a map that shows temperatures at the ice-seawater interface. That includes hundreds of miles of continental shelf wher the ice has floated free of the seabottom, allowing seawater access to the underside of the ice. Please note that glacial ice is flowing downward from the above-sealevel interior - ruining Barnes' analogy.

it is not minus 10 at the ice. you can still have snow melting in a sunny winter day at minus 10 air temperature.

learn the difference between land ice and sea ice.

the temps DO get above freezing .

before you try to understand science, perhaps you should work on your grammar

water temp and radiation

This chart from wikipedia show winter and summer temperatures, in the summer it is minus 10C http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0c/Antarctic_surface_temperature.png

so how can it melt when it is ten dgrees below freezing