> When was the last Antartica low temperature recorded?

When was the last Antartica low temperature recorded?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A reading of 135.8 degrees below zero was measured in Antarctica on 31st july 2013, using remote sensing from satellites.

It was July 21, 1983. The temperature -89.2 C in Vostok.

I don't think this is really disputed--satellite readings are not used for world records. One of the reasons for this is that satellite measurements are not that accurate and are not "taken" under standard conditions. If the standards were changed on how we measure temperatures I'm sure there could be all sorts of records set. For example, satellites have measured surface temperatures greater than 70 C, that's way higher than the world record.


EDIT for Raisin Caine: It doesn't seem to me that you had anything to contribute to the answer (you ignored the question completely) except your bias. Why not try answering the question, as a Ph.D. in Statistics, does it seem reasonable to you to use a completely different method to set a new world record--one that does not even attempt to duplicate the conditions to be considered a world record?

Actually kano got the year right 2010 but got the temperature wrong it was recorded as --94.7C (-135.8F) almost 3c colder than kano stated, I suppose a denier will try and pretend that a regional cold temp (in the coldest place on the planet) is some sort of proof AGW is not happening, but then isn't it denier who keep claiming it is 'alarmists who talk about regional weather.

If I was to play the denier I would say scientists tried to keep this a secret, but oddly they seem to have tried to keep it a secret by reporting it to the media.


kano seems to think this one day temperature proves the Antarctic shows no sign of AGW, yet years of glacial ice data disagrees


Let the denial begin


Notice the article states, "A NASA satellite measured that (136.8, my interjection) temperature in August 2010; on July 31 of this year, another bone-chilling temperature of -135.3 degrees was recorded.

However they only use satellite data for proving GW not record cold. I can imagine James Hansen had something to do with that.


So it is "deniers" who keep talking about droughts in California being a sign of global warming, and that mudslide being a sign of global warming. Wait, let me beat my head against the warmer's wall of enlightenment. Bang Bang Bang. Ahhh, it makes perfect sense now.

And the years of glacial ice that increase in some locations and decreases in others is certainly proof of exponential warming in the future. It is all of the suddden becoming so much clearer.

record cold temps and record high ice in antarctica is proof positive that AGW exists. How orwellian.

It is disputed, depending on whether you accept satellite readings or not, some say august 2010 minus 92C

but anyway there is no sign of global warming there.