> How do you think world leaders should address the global warming issue?

How do you think world leaders should address the global warming issue?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Your answer sounds far more reasonable than the vast mojority of what I've heard from those types of bides thus far. Right now they are simply using it for political leverage.

In the UN smaller poorer countries are using this issue to try and get funding fromthe wealthier nations. they then take this money and line their own personnal pockets ignoring their people. When the US tries to require results for funds provided. i.e. we give you $$$ to build a power plant, where is the power plant? We gae you $$$ to feed the people in this region. Demonstrate to us the food made it there. We shipped you water purification systems for the people over there. Show us this equipment is there and working. When we did this we were criticized and ridiculed. Why did we do it? Because food we shipped was sold instead of given to their people. Money and equipment for the power plant was used for mansions cars etc for the ruling class. Medicaines are sold instead of used. Water purification systems are sold or broken down into componants and sold.

Basically we got tired of pouring money down this endless hole. We also learned that many of these nations use the squalor and poverty in their nations as fund raising for their political elite. so no matter how much money was provided there would ALWAYS be a large impoverished population. It was the primary revenue source for their leaders.

Basically, its corruption. I do not want my hard earned money going to corrupt governments. I do not wnat my money being spent on nonsense. I would rather feed clothe educate and house my children. I get angry that those I know are taking govt money are able to do things with their children that I can not afford because I am "one of the wealthier" middle class. I work and pay taxes. I can not tkae my family on vacations cruises and such becuase I dont have enough money. However I personally know many people on social welfare who do these things.

Enoguh ranting. sorry.

This entire issue IMHO, is about control and power. They uise this so scare people. people who are afraid will pay to be safe. its that simple.

Sadly most everyone including leaders do not do much about much unless it directly affects them and this would appear to include global warming and other weather related issues / disasters. Unless there is something that can be directly attributed to global warming such as was suspected some Hurricanes and flooding, leaders are usually quiet until the media brings up some sort of correlation and then it becomes a hot topic. What I think they should do is to be a bit more proactive and all leaders be more directly involved in attempting to come up with some creative solutions on how to go about dealing with the affects of global warming as we , at this point, cannot stop it.

Promote the use of clean energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power. And if they can do that without taxing us, I will cheer.

Yes. Scientists have been doing just that. Here are their results.


And don't listen to Madd Maxx' nonsense about the Sun. High solar activity =/= rising solar activity. If the Sun were the only influence on climate, Earth would be cooling.


Absolutely --- find out what caused the warming.

But we already know what caused the warming.

The slight warming the Earth has experienced over the last 30 years or so has been due to high solar activity and NOT human activity. Warmists don't want to admit this of course because they want to use the man-made Global Warming nonsense as an excuse to radically increase our taxes and regulate our lives.

Solar activity has been extraordinarily high since about 1960: http://sc25.com/?id=378

and also see: http://lasp.colorado.edu/lisird/tsi/hist...

Highly recommend you watch these, they explain it all. And the explanations come from some of the world's top climate scientists:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

There is no GW


It is a hoax. And World leaders are in on the hoax. Obama just gave the UN $100,000,000,000 (yes that's billion) for GW, which is a hoax. Do you trust world leaders to come up with an honest decision? Especially when they can control you and tax you with the lie?

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

Then you have Mr. Edenhoffer who explains it to us:

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Redistribution of wealth usually means taking money from us suckers and giving it to themselves. How do you think Al Gore got to be worth over a billion dollars? I wouldn't trust world leaders to referee a tic-tac-toe match.

Stop wasting 100 billion on climate research and spend it on developing safe reliable nuclear power.

I had this for a Social Studies question and was wondering if this was a 'balanced' answer.

Do the research of temperature changes. Find out all possible causes of long-term temperature change (sunspots, global warming, climate change, long-term weather pattern change, etc.) and address each one.

Does this sound reasonable and not leaning toward favoring/not favoring global warming?