> What will happen if the earth warms?

What will happen if the earth warms?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I've been hearing alot of rumors about the matter..

As the earth warms, our weather will continue to become more out of control, and produce more extreme weather events.

This is due, in part to the melting Arctic ice. The Arctic essentially acts as an air conditioner for the rest of the surrounding regions. Warm tropical air flows into the Arctic, and back out converging with westerly winds in what ate known as Jet Streams.

These Jet Streams create the weather patterns that most of us experience. The Jet Streams contain what are called ridges, which are simply put, dips and curves in the jet stream. As the polar ice melts, there is more heat radiating into the air, and less opposing force to westerly winds over open water, causing larger bends and curves, or ridges in the Jet Stream.

This becomes a serious problem for our climate. As these ridges begin to have more significant ridges, they tend to dip further south, and travel much slower than in the past. This is what has brought snow to places that don't normally see snow, such as Arizona and the Middle East. Also, a low pressure system that travels with these jet streams will stall over an region for a long period of time, causing the same weather patterns to remain in place for days, or weeks, which in the case of rain, can cause extreme flooding, such as what we have been seeing in the Southeastern US, and China this season, as well as in Pakistan a few years ago.

With slow moving weather systems, also comes the risk for more powerful hurricanes, such as Sandy, that had more time to strengthen over open water, while waiting for the ridge in the jet stream to push away. In the case of Sandy, it did so, with an opposing cold front on the other side, colliding the two and creating a superstorm. This type of setup will become more common as warming continues and polar ice continues to.melt.

Also, storms that remain over open water for longer periods te.d to gather a massive amount of evaporation from the ocean water. This has over time creates mire salty waters in the Atlantic, and less salty waters in the Pacific. Many scientists believe this is a major contributing factor to the widespread fish and oceanlife washing up dead on shore. The evaporated water also has to go somewhere, and it does.....all over land, creating rainfall totals that simply don't make sense. Without argument, this season has set more rainfall records than any other, and it will continue to get worse. When it rains, it pours. This is happening all over the globe.

Warming temperatures are a cause of this, science can prove it....

The same as the other times it was warm, not much. I will be sipping Mai Tais under my palm trees in CT.

Not a lot, some places may become uncomfortable because of a little extra warmth, but a lot of places would be a lot better, places like Canada and Siberia.

Man has always prospered during the warm periods (medieval warming, roman warming) and famine and unrest have set in during the cold periods (little ice age)

Air conditioning salesmen and repairmen are going to be hard pressed to make their house payments. And it will take less time to scramble eggs in the morning. Other than that, not much.

It would be summer some were .



I've been hearing alot of rumors about the matter..