> Do you believe is so-called "global warming" just because your friends do?

Do you believe is so-called "global warming" just because your friends do?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A lot of these greenies believe in AGW because their teacher or professor told them to. They had to either believe it or flunk.

Honestly, I have been somewhat of a maverick all my life and I was raised to doubt everything including what my friends believe. My parents didn't even tell there was a Santa Claus. I have been fooled from time to time, particularly when young but I have seen and experienced more than most and I have learned there is a lot of things we don't know. There is a great big world out there with mysteries and lots of unknowns. I get frustrated and a little annoyed at those who think there is little to discover, that science has all the answers, and that we know everything already. Those people have been around forever. Around 1900 the patents office famously suggested that there was little left to invent. I don't want to live in their world, first because it isn't true and second because it is so boring.

I don't believe it. In NY you still have the same seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer.

It's not changing. Why should I believe otherwise?

No. But I have smart friends.

I do have a neighbor that believes all climate scientists want a world wide government.

No. And the only bullying I see is that of the likes of Madd Maxx and Sagebrush.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


Do you deny global warming just because your friends do?

How can we explain the melting of the polar is caps FACT. Of coarse it's true

Polar bears have difficulty finding food beacuse ice space is getting smaller all the time. Global warming is very real.

Some do, just as some believe in anti-science conspiracy theory nonsense, because their friends to.

Science does not depend on gossip or peer pressure, but anti-science addicts, in particular, have trouble realizing that.


i do because reliable scientists have explained it

and filthy rich bastards like Rush Limbaugh, Bill ORielly and Michelle Bachman say it's a hoax

I guess they need to call it something. But there is nothing I can do about it except change a light bulb .duh"

Face it, peer pressure is a powerful influence and people who don't accept the group think of global warming believers are subject to a lot of pressure including name calling. Does this bullying by others cause you to believe in so-called "global warming" just so you're accepted by your friends?
