> What's the one important fact you would want to say to a global warming denier to convince them into believing in wa

What's the one important fact you would want to say to a global warming denier to convince them into believing in wa

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Interesting analogy. I am a deist and believe Jesus existed. I doubt the miracles, but the evidence of his existence is certianly enough. I also believe Achilles existed, while not believing the story of the river Styx.

When I see people like yourself trying to claim Jesus did not exist I have to laugh. There is more evidence of Jesus' existence then most anyone during that period of time. Beyond that, as atheists love to say, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".

A man named Jesus existing and preaching is NOT an extraordinary claim. The miracles claimed to be performed is an extraordinary claim. Just as Homer's Illiad can be used as evidence of the Trojan war actually occurring, so too can the New testament be used as evidence of Jesus existing.

My great great great grandfather who first came to the US may have only a few locations where his name even shows up, and that was not nearly 2000 years ago. I believe my great great great grandfather existed, but I don't believe he turned a stone into a fish.

Make sure they realize the concept is over time, not immediately. It's not a drastic change. One part of the world cam still be freezing but another can be at its all time highest temp. It's the average temp of the entire globe slowly increasing. Polar ice caps will melt and boarders will start to flood as the inside land is suffering drought.

Good luck with that one.....as there are no "facts" that support the notion of Catastrophic, Man-made, Global Warming.

The Sun is less bright, but the globe is still warming.

Science is not a matter of belief. Science grades on the report cards convince.

it's not likely any facts or evidence will matter. Like trying to convince a bible thumper jesus does not exist.