> Are the Department of Defense, the army, navy, marines, and air force, etc. Marxist plots because they are funded by tax

Are the Department of Defense, the army, navy, marines, and air force, etc. Marxist plots because they are funded by tax

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hey, you left out fascist marxist plots.

Concerning "You left out police, fire and schools" that's not as far fetched as it might seem.

There are lots of private security services.

There are fire districts that you have to join and pay for, if you want them to save your house.

And there's a huge push for school privatization.

Yep, those marxist fascists really are taking over.

Yeah they are funded by our taxes thanks to America hating, freedom hating, Capitalism hating, Socialist loving, Communist loving, liberals. JK but seriously the Military Industrial Complex is out of control

Da, Comrade.

You appear to have no idea of the true meaning of "marxist".

You left out police, fire and schools.

This is an old and lame argument to justify communism and it does not work on anyone with an IQ above 85.

Your question makes no sense.

That would include republican congressmen?