> Kindly send me a fresh speech of 5 to 7 min on global warming . THANKS?

Kindly send me a fresh speech of 5 to 7 min on global warming . THANKS?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Once upon a time ther where a few cows on the face of the earth. And at the same time, there where many,many humans. When during this time mankind lived just as the animals;then something happened and the humans asked themselves why am I eating like the same crap the cows are eating? So humans said what the hell,lets eat some cows. But their was not enough cows to go around. So mankind decided to domesticate the cows. Soon being and generations forth the tasty cows where now outnumbering the humans. That was a good thing because now there was plenty of meat to go around for everyone. Yippee but unbeknowest to the humans all them there cattle were eating grass and drinking lots of water and farting all the time. All this fartin was methane gas but they did not know or even care because im tellin ya passing up a porterhouse steak is just a damn sin. All this gas was in the air and warming up places that dammit just aint suppose be warmed up. But they didn't care , please pass the A-ONE and shut the hell up. Thankyou... ... ... Thankyou you've all been too kind good night and god bless the grizzle!!

"Good morning. I just flew in from Poughkeepsie and boy, are my arms tired. Hey, how about that Bill Cosby story in the news, eh? Reminds me of our CEO.

Now I know you are all waiting to hear my opinion on Global Warming, and as managers of a major corporation I am sure you will be happy to hear that the main problem is Al Gore's weight. Why, I just heard yesterday that he ate six beef burritos with refried beans at Chipotle's, stepped outside and did the expected, and the regional temperature went up .2 of a degree Centigrade. Lucky no one lit up a cigarette within 25 feet of the door.

Let me also address one key matter, and that is the development of alternative energy. Recently, I heard that a medical clinic in Africa had to choose between refrigeration and lighting because they didn't have a big enough solar array. With all the debate over the cost and efficiency of solar energy a decision was made and the problem has been resolved-a new power plant is going to be built and electric lines will be strung 300 miles inland. Isn't that great? This will bring adequate electrical power to the remote clinic no later than 2029.

Finally, I am pleased to announce a political breakthrough in the U.S. Congress as a committee composed of Republicans, Democrats and Industry leaders has reached a compromise agreement to protect the environment through conservation while avoiding punitive measures against business or restricting the liberty enjoyed by most freedom-loving Americans. Effective January 1, 2015, all vehicles with odd numbers on their license plates will be required to display "Baby on Board" sproings attached to their driver's side rear window. The result will be slower driving in response to the warning and a substantial savings in fuel as a result. Thanks for this innovative solution are due to joint Committee Chairs of both parties, the Sproing Manufacturing Council, it's board and stockholders, particularly recent appointees and investors in both parties of Congress.

There isn't anyone up to date who believes in 'Global Warming'. Even its supporters know it isn't true so now they terrify you with words like 'Climate Change'. Would someone out there quantify Climate Change? Define it clearly enough so that we can test it. I lived in a small town and there were some kids who believed in the 'Boogy Man' who lived under the bridge. I lived not too far from that bridge and being the naive little kid that I was went down there many times to see what this Boogy Man looked like. Never did see that man but I did see young lovers down there. Do you think someone started that rumor to chase us pests off? However, I had several friends who say they saw that Boogy Man even into their teens.

You see it boils down to this. If you make up a lie a certain percent of the people will believe it. Now if an official of the government helps that lie along even more people will believe it. If unscrupulous but seemingly authentic experts support it then even more people will people will believe it. Hitler and Stalin brought this lying to a fine art or an exact science, if you will. Hitler laughed about it and stated in his book Mien Kampf "if you repeat a lie often enough and loud enough the masses of the people will believe it." This science of lying is used by propagandists and admen alike to this day and the same percentage of people fall for it. People on Madison Avenue make a living making you feel better about using a certain product even if it isn't any better than another.

People still belonged to the Flat Earth Society even after a picture of Earth taken from a spaceship was shown to them. And that was how many years after Galileo?

Even Abraham Lincoln knew about this exact formula when he said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." But these Hucksters like Al Gore keep trying because they unquestionably get rich by lying to us.

Then the real identification as to who the liars are is when they start calling you names. My dad said, "You know you have won the argument when they start calling you names."

If you want to be fooled by these propagandists that's alright by me but keep you hands out of my pocket and give us our liberties back.

For a manager level meeting tomorrow? I will write you one for $300.

Watch at least the top video below and you have more than enough info to write it quickly yourself.

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

A' manager level gathering'?

Is that what they call "turn in your homework" nowadays?

Check out climate-skeptic.com. He has some presentations and videos that would be perfect.

it is because of you meat eater that we are all going to die!

Do your homework.