> What is the difference between global warming and the carbon cycle?

What is the difference between global warming and the carbon cycle?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming is not a disruption in the carbon cycle. Where do alarmists come up with stuff like that? They even manage to sound informed to those who aren't educated. It is a hypotheses that human emissions of CO2 have caused the planet to warm harmfully. It depends on CO2 increasing water vapor and it depends entirely on computer models that are based on many guesses and estimations that are not well known in spite of alarmists lying that it is well understood and it is simple physics.

Global warming is a term that was invented to try to blame humans on the warming that was happening between the 1970s and 2000 to push a Marxist political agenda. Some like to make it sound sweeter by saying it is socialist or liberal or progressive or whatever. I prefer to call it what it is. When it stopped warming, alarmists were forced to change the name to Climate Change. Science tells us that climates always change. When petty political hacks try to use that change to push their agenda, science suffers as do all of those who have that agenda inflicted on us.

The carbon cycle is the cycle is best explained with pictures and graphs.


There is a lot of disinformation on the internet. You have to watch out for it. There is a lot of money thrown at trying to convince you of catastrophic AGW so that they can get your future vote. I hope you remain skeptical and retain your scientific and intellectual integrity.

The difference is that they are completely unrelated. Climate change is actually caused by a combination of the ever changing orbit of the Earth, and tectonic earthquake activity caused by gravitational forces exerted on the Earth by the major planets and the Sun, which also affect the orbit.

The carbon cycle is the natural cycle of carbon through the atmosphere, and its usage by trees to help the trees grow, locking the carbon into the timber. It is released either when the tree falls and disintegrates, or is cut down and burnt.

Global warming is a consequence of disruption to the carbon cycle.

The carbon cycle is the process whereby carbon circulates between the atmosphere (in the form of carbon dioxide), living organisms (in the form of proteins and carbohydrates) and decaying organic matter (proteins and carbohydrates in the remains of dead plants and animals).

E.g. a tree absorbs carbon dioxide from the air through photosynthesis; that carbon is then made into carbohydrates inside the leaves; some of those carbohydrates are made into proteins and cellulose which form some of the wood of the tree; when the tree dies and rots, or if it is set on fire, that carbon gets converted into carbon dioxide again and returns to the atmosphere.

As the term 'cycle' implies, this assumes the amount of carbon in the system remains stable.

However in recent decades people have been burning a lot of coal, oil and natural gas. This has released a lot of carbon which had been sealed away underground into the atmosphere, and so into the carbon cycle. This increased amount of carbon in the system seems to be causing global warming because it affects the amount of the sun's heat which remains in the atmosphere rather than escaping to space.

No difference, it is all just a hype