> Would anyone like a replication of Lewandowsky's survey?

Would anyone like a replication of Lewandowsky's survey?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Anti-science poster Ian blocks me from his fake questions, so it might be mildly interesting to learn more about whatever denier croc he has misunderstood (while copy-pasting it) this time.

Looks like your "bird" (your icon) isn't flying very high! You can stick it in the air as high as you want, but your rebel nature tells the whole story. You are depending on untruthful science to make your points. Maybe you should "humble-out" and take a second look at your beliefs and help us all understand better. The climate is every person's concern, but CO2 is "not" the main problem. I doubt that population will be a problem very soon either. I'm sure we have a "Global Elitist" problem. Some people think that they can control people "by" educating them instead of "just" educating them. Bankers don't have to think. All they do is accept your deposits and keep track of what they make. They also dictate terms to whomever borrows from them. That includes the media and the Government ("Of the people and by the people").

Let's remember who funds climate science. Both the IP CC and NASA are funded by indebted Governments. The banks are the only entities that win in that game.

Why not? I got a good laugh out of the first one. http://websites.psychology.uwa.edu.au/la...

However, A Watts beat us to the punch by doing it himself. http://ascottblog.wordpress.com/lewandow...

It is password protected. The password is "REPLICATE". http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/09/08/re...

You may take the survey once if you need a good laugh. There are many terrible peer reviewed papers that never should have been published. http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.v...

This is a good example of the weakness of peer review. http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andre...

There are 2 good reasons for replicating this survey (aside from the humor):

1. It is worth while to show the ridiculous depths that some Warmists will go to discredit the Skeptic point of view. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/colum...

2. If a Warmist wants to try again, he will probably get the same result.

While they are at it, perhaps somebody would like to fund the producers at

Will it change the earth's radiative balance? or any of the heat transfers?

Is that Monica's brother?

Hell no. what would it prove.