> What is wrong with this greenhouse gas pie graph?

What is wrong with this greenhouse gas pie graph?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Well first posting graphs without the original source page is always suspect because it appears without the accompanying text. Many denier sites/blogs do this as a way of misrepresenting

If this first were an AGW graph I would think it might be accurate. If it is intended to be greenhouse gas, then it is missing waster vapor which is the largest single source.

Honestly I don't think either is truly accurate. The following is from wikipedia which is a great source for unbiased info (if you disregard visitors uploads) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_...

Notes are mine

Compound Formula Contribution %)

Water vapor and clouds H2O 36 – 72%

Carbon dioxide CO2 9 – 26%

Methane CH4 4 – 9%

Ozone O3 3 – 7%


These % vary from time to time and are not written in stone

Ozone listed here is not to be confused with the ozone layer. It is low level ozone which is also a greenhouse gas but is short lived in the troposphere

CFCs/HCFCs are not listed but would be the smallest % but still greenhouse gases

Of course water vapor is missing, although without seeing the chart in context it's hard to know whether they're just looking at anthropogenic gases. It's not a very good chart, but then I always hated pie charts.

Maxx's chart is equally bad. It's not labeled so that it even makes sense. Also, the claim that water vapor is responsible for more than 90% of the greenhouse effect does not agree with modern studies. Here's a reference which gives its contribution as between about 40-60%


brent, if you think global warming is a "hoax", then you either don't know what the word means, or you should get out of environmental science and switch to theology or something else that is faith based, rather than evidence based. It might be easier for you to spell than "environmental", also.

The error is they have put in a cylindrical graph for a pie chart. This has the effect of making CO2 look bigger, and also with the angle, diminishing other parts of the graph. Nitrous looks smaller than Fluorocarbons too.

And they left out water vapor.

It would help if you provided a reference.

There is nothing wrong if it is meant to represent the percent of GHG emitted by human activity – which is what it looks like:



Maxx ---

>>Suggest you open your eyes and read. The graph posted by Kano says "This graph shows the distribution of GHG in the Earth's atmosphere.<<

Suggest you open your brain and realize that the sentence's meaning depends on what was being discussed in the accompanying text.

Of course, that probably doesn't matter to you since Deniers of science are, by definition, Deneris of reality.

Water vapor is not in the graph.

Regarding Madd Maxx' response, his graph ignores the fact that water vapor changes with temperature.

This is a graph of the gasses that man emits (it's even wrong in terms of that as well, although still pretty close) if you include natural greenhouse gas sources, it should be, roughly:

-98% water vapor

- just over 1%CO2

-about 1% methane and other gases

Water vapor is missing.

That graph is DEAD WRONG. It neglects to include water vapor --- which is by far the most important, abundant and powerful greenhouse gas.


This pie chart shows the percentages of the Greenhouse Effect caused by each of the gases. http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/greenh...

Water vapor is responsible for more than 90% of the Greenhouse Effect.


Climate Realist - You say: "[Maxx's linked] graph ignores the fact that water vapor changes with temperature"

The graph I linked is an average --- just like global temperature is an average.


pegminer - You say: "Here's a reference which gives its [water vapor] contribution as between about 40-60%"

NOPE, that's not what it says at all, the study says: "We conclude that, given the uncertainties, that water vapor is responsible for just over half, clouds around a quarter and CO2 about a fifth of the present day total greenhouse effect."

So it found that water vapor is 75% of the Greenhouse Effect --- but that is WAY too LOW!! Being that a single molecule of water vapor heats MORE than a single molecule of CO2 AND that water vapor is on average a HUNDRED times more prevalent in the atmosphere than CO2 --- obviously water vapor contributes --- as I said - MORE than 90% of the Greenhouse Effect.

Your paper even states that Lindzen says it's more like 98%. I was being generous to you to say water vapor provided more than 90% --- in reality it's obviously MUCH higher. Lindzen is probably being generous too by stating water vapor contributes 98% of the Greenhouse Effect --- his figure is very likely on the LOW side as well.

And the paper you linked was by Gavin Schmidt, who is a flaming GISS Warmist. No credibility at all.


Gary F - You say of the Kano linked graph: "There is nothing wrong if it is meant to represent the percent of GHG emitted by human activity – which is what it looks like"

Suggest you open your eyes and read. The graph posted by Kano says "This graph shows the distribution of GHG in the Earth's atmosphere.




Did you spot whats wrong and can you show a correct one?