> What's the weirdest idea you've heard of for renewable/non-polluting power?

What's the weirdest idea you've heard of for renewable/non-polluting power?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Using the noise energy in NYC to generate electricity.

Using piezoelectric sidewalk crystals to generate electricity.

Using piezoelectric street crystals to generate electricity.

putting solar cells on freeways.

Putting fans on electric cars to generate electricity to power them.

Putting solar cells on commercial airliners to power them.

(Not only did read this, there was an answer that thought it was a good idea.)

Edit: And, just this past week,

"there's a sports car out there that runs on salt water"


(I looked for a 'comments' section, so I could tell him that he'd been had, and couldn't fine one.)

Andrea Rossi's Ecat, a University investigation has confirmed it works, but they dont know how


Any perpetual motion machine. But the silliest such perpetual motion machine was the car that supposedly runs on water.


I think these are great


This is my favourite:

I don't think there's one single energy source that can get us off of fossil fuels, by itself, at least not with present technology. Luckily, there's not just one energy source out there. The more options we have in play, the sooner we can cut our use of coal and petroleum.

So, I figured I'd bring a touch of levity to Y!A GW today, by asking everyone to mention the most silly-seeming, bizarre, or outlandish plausible power/electricity sources they've seen. Sources, as always, welcome. But please stick to things that actually are at least plausible with current or very-near-future technology.