> Have the saviours of the earth finally found a way to restrict the North Dakota oil?

Have the saviours of the earth finally found a way to restrict the North Dakota oil?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There may be some merit to this. This is why a pipeline is needed so we don't pollute the environment with rail engines.

Why don't you introduce legislation that allows rail shipment of oil that hasn't been stripped of dangerous volatiles provided it goes through your neighborhood?

They are trying to stop the production of this oil any way they can. They even complained about some dead birds while solar and wind are exempted for thousands of dead birds.

Don't you just hate that people try to make things safe?



"State Mineral Resources Director Lynn Helms said that under the regulations approved by North Dakota's Industrial Commission, all crude from the state's oil patch would have to be treated by heat or by pressure to remove certain liquids and gases before being loaded onto rail cars. The rules take effect April 1."