> Why has the weather been so severe and strange?

Why has the weather been so severe and strange?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What weather? Do you have a source that supports that there is anything unusual about the weather?

Don't get me wrong. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


And, the ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


But you need something to support the idea that the weather has been severe and strange.

weather operates within the limits of climate. You'd expect tropical thunderstorms in a tropical climate and snow in an Arctic climate. Change the climate and the weather changes. Conversely, climate is an average of weather. Change the average means weather has changed.

that being said, any one weather event can still be within normal. It's just that odds have changed, just like a loaded dice.

You ain't seen nothin'! In July 1813 the ground was frozen solid in New York state; in 1888 a storm dropped 22 inches of snow on NYC. The problem is your life is a hiccup in the timeline of climate. What you are experiencing is well within the range of normal.

Oil spills in the golf are changing the path of the jet stream. Weather here in Michigan has been pretty strange too, much colder than usual.

its the humans fault you can blame them!

Its just weather

So I live in upstate NY and have my entire life, and I have never seen weather like this. It thunderstorms daily, with hail and unseasonably cold weather. It's really strange. What is to blame? Is it climate change and environmental issues? The weather has been so bad I'm on the verge of moving somewhere else.