> Explain the Science of Global Climate Change and Human Influences?

Explain the Science of Global Climate Change and Human Influences?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Can you explain the science of global climate change and human influences so that I can understand it. Am having trouble knowing what this is.

Human consumption of fossil fuels from factory's, power plants and car exhaust go up in the air and create a covering of gas around the earth causing a greenhouse effect. So the heat will not escape. this is real bad for our grand children as the earth will change. in southern regions where they grow cotton or coffee will be too hot. the coffee growers will move north because the wheat fields of the north will no longer be able to grow wheat. So they will move north to where they used to grow corn. Because corn only grows in cooler climates. soon there will be Cactus at the North Pole. (not really) but climate change will be worse at the Equator where nothing will grow any longer.

Humans affect global climate change by our actions. I believe this century has shown the highest global warming in the last 4 centuries or about that, concurrent with our human actions of practices that release C02 into the atmosphere. The thing to understand is what so many deny in the face of catastrophic climate events happening all over the world and rising global temperatures: humans have a very large influence on global warming.

Because there is huge money to be gained (by a few, regardless of the impact to the many), by using fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal, these billion dollar corps buy the silence of the truth, that fossil fuel extraction, especially with the new technique of fracking or hydraulic fracturing is releasing huge amounts of CO2 into the atomosphere, thereby raising the temperature of the planet.

People say fracking has been done for 60 yrs and more. Well they weren't using 100's of toxic chemicals with high volume, high pressure slick water fracking, which has increased the accidental release of methane into the air. Methane release holds 100 times more heat than coal pollution. So these nice commercials about our new clean energy our bought and paid for by Bilionaire Big Oil and GAs. They also buy and pay for studies that say humans have nothing to do with it. You can research this out.

The Oil and Gas companies want to frack the planet, what top world scientists call the worst environmental disaster in 100 years. because it will cause a water shortage, contaminate our soil and increase global warming at a rate that will be unlivable. In Europe only the U.K and Poland will allow it as it threatens our water and air also.

Keystone Pipeline and other fossil fuel energy sources, same thing, release of CO2, oil refineries same thing.

The combustion of fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide, a gas the allows short wavelengths from the Sun to pass through, and blocks some of longer wavelengths from Earth from escaping into space. According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, this causes warming.


There is no abnormal amount of radiation in the environment. Nuclear power releases only about 0.3% of natural radiation.


And if you want to talk about internal vs external radiation, most internal radiation comes from carbon-14, potassium-40 and lead-210, all from natural sources.

You have an interesting link about granite being a source of radiation. The uranium and thorium in the granite produces radon, which decays to lead-210. But that is a source of natural radiation.

The most important and obvious form of climate change is the raising radioactivity of the surface of Earth (1), and the increasing percentage of it that is not locked in rocks (2), but rather, free to get into our food and water supplies (3). This problem is the most identifiably anthropogenic climate change (4).

The most hotly debated form of climate change is global warming (6). It is highly questionable if humans have a significant deleterious effect on global temperatures by way of CO2 emissions (5).

Can you explain the science of global climate change and human influences so that I can understand it. Am having trouble knowing what this is.