> How much water does life need?

How much water does life need?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The availability of abundant fresh water is especially important to humans. It is evident that our species evolved in a water-rich environment because of how inefficient and wasteful our bodies are in processing it. We lose moisture with every breath we take, with every bite of food we eat, and every time the temperature is even slightly warm. We have no capacity to retain water Our bodies are so adapted to being able to replenish themselves that even if we are dying of thirst we continue to pass urine and dump water as if there was nothing to worry about.

Assuming you're talking about a planet that was 50:50 all along (rather than one that became 50:50), I suspect it would be perfectly habitable, including by humans. There's no guarantee that humans would have evolved, but then, if we reversed time on *this* planet, it's possible that humans wouldn't evolve again.

I'd expect to find more areas with "continental" climates, and thus with more extremes of temperature and rainfall. Coastal areas tend to have more moderated temperatures, and consistent, moderately heavy rainfall. I'd also expect to find more deserts.

Wouldn't matter if the atmosphere didn't exists. So your 50% water/50%land relationship is really strange.

not well, lack of water is already evident. It is scary. Everything and everybody needs water and the supply of fresh water is like 2% or less.

I would just like to say that how much resource we get it is difficult to utilize till we recognize the true value of the resources.


Like lets say the Earth had 50% water and 50% land. How life as we know it still exists, specifically Humans? I realize this might not be much less but i am just curious how life would handle it.