> Primary air pollutants?

Primary air pollutants?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Carbon monoxide

Carbon dioxide

Sulfur dioxide

Nitrogen oxides

Volatile organic compounds

Some people will claim that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Why not?

Because it is plant food? So is raw sewage.

Because it is natural? So is hydrogen sulfide.

Because it comes from the human body? So do urine and feces.

What comes out of Sagebrush' mouth is plant food

These include oxides of Sulphure (SOx) and Nitrogen (NOx) from volcanoes or decomposing algae like coral reefs.

carbon dioxide

carbon monoxide

sulfur dioxide


chlorine monoxide

Freon (chlorofluorocarbons)

Primary air pollutants - are emitted directly into the air from sources. They can have effects both

directly and as precursors of secondary air pollutants (chemicals formed through reactions in the

atmosphere), they are :-

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) - is a gas formed when sulfur is exposed to oxygen at high temperatures during

fossil fuel combustion, oil refining, or metal smelting. SO2 is toxic at high concentrations, but its

principal air pollution effects are associated with the formation of acid rain and aerosols. SO2

dissolves in cloud droplets and oxidizes to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which can fall to Earth as acid rain or snow or form sulfate aerosol particles in the atmosphere.

Nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2, referred together as NOx) - are highly reactive gases formed when

oxygen and nitrogen react at high temperatures during combustion or lightning strikes. Nitrogen

present in fuel can also be emitted as NOx during combustion. Emissions are dominated by fossil

fuel combustion at northern mid-latitudes and by biomass burning in the tropics.

In the atmosphere NOx reacts with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon monoxide to

produce ground-level ozone through a complicated chain reaction mechanism. It is eventually

oxidized to nitric acid (HNO3). Like sulfuric acid, nitric acid contributes to acid deposition and to

aerosol formation.

Carbon monoxide (CO) - is an odorless, colorless gas formed by incomplete combustion of carbon

in fuel. The main source is motor vehicle exhaust, along with industrial processes and biomass

burning. Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells, reducing their ability to transport

and release oxygen throughout the body. Low exposures can aggravate cardiac ailments, while high

exposures cause central nervous system impairment or death. It also plays a role in the generation of ground-level ozone.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs),- including hydrocarbons (CxHy) but also other organic chemicals are emitted from a very wide range of sources, including fossil fuel combustion, industrial activities, and natural emissions from vegetation and fires. Some anthropogenic VOCs such as benzene are known carcinogens.

VOCs are also of interest as chemical precursors of ground-level ozone and aerosols, . The importance of VOCs as precursors depends on their chemical structure and atmospheric lifetime, which can vary considerably from compound to compound. Large VOCs oxidize in the atmosphere to produce nonvolatile chemicals that condense to form aerosols.

Short-lived VOCs interact with NOx to produce high ground-level ozone in polluted environments.

Methane (CH4), the simplest and most long-lived VOC, is of importance both as a greenhouse gas

and as a source of background tropospheric ozone. Major anthropogenic sources of

methane include natural gas production and use, coal mining, livestock, and rice paddies.

Political BS.

Climate Change BS.


And anything Dork puts out.
