> Should we make a petition to end drought here?

Should we make a petition to end drought here?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
California's best chance to end the drought there is for a strong El Nino event to form. Unfortunately, the ENSO does not function based on votes cast. I live in Texas and I can assure that I know just how scary droughts can be. Even after the drought ended here I still lost trees that were damaged during the drought.

Who are you going to petition God? environmental groups can't change the weather, even if CO2 (which I don't believe) is stopping all CO2 emissions will make no difference for decades. your drought is caused by the Pacific decadal Oscillation turning into it's negative phase.

When I was little, I was told that Saint Peter is responsible for our weather, so send your petition to him.

It is impossible to end drought. We humans do not have the power to stop drought.

Hi Ed, give it a try, if it works it will make a super article. If you are using lay it off for a while.

You might check with king Canute on how well that works.

Pray to Jerry Brown. He's smarter than God. Just ask him.

Okay I live in the Bay Area and we have a drought. Our water is draining, we had no rains for a couple months. We are low on water. I would like to make a petition on change.org and don't know what to put on there. There is an environmental club I'm thinking to pledge them to make a petition to end this drought here. It is TERRIBLE!! I am nervous for everyone's sake here.