> What's the difference between climate and weather?

What's the difference between climate and weather?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I was told that if it's warmer than average, it's climate, and if it's colder than average, that's weather. Is this correct?

Trevor, just because you make it a habit to lie, doesn't mean that all people sink to your level.

Climate is what ever a greenie wants it to be and weather is anything a greenie wants it to be.

Quote by Steven Guilbeault, Canadian environemental journalist and Greenpeace member: "Global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter."

Just look at this! This is Trevor saying that CC and GW are the same but different.


Ha! Ha! Then he called me a liar and said that he didn't say that. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! It takes a pretty low form of life to do that and claim that you are a top Climate Scientist as he infers. But he has a following of sock puppets and actual useful idiots. He is the highest of the most active greenies. He fools them all. Of course these same people are being fooled by Jimmy Hansen, al Gore and Bill Nye the science lie.

The strategy of these social misfits is to control the language. This a strategy clearly stated by Saul Alinsky, tutor to the President of the United States.

“He who controls the language controls the masses”. – Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals

See these evil people like Trevor always try to control your words. They can switch definitions at the drop of the hat. To these miscreants words have no definite meaning, they are mere playthings to advance their crooked agenda. And Trevor is a great example. This statement by him proves it, " Your last few questions have been thoroughly discredited." Maybe discredited in his sick mind but not in the real world. He offers his OPINION and acts like it is the ultimate answer. If we could buy Trevor for what he is worth and sell him for what he thinks he is worth many of us could be richer than Al Gore overnight.

If that is what you were told, then you must have been talking to a "skeptic"! That's the problem with many on your side; you can not progress because you only talk to each other!

Anyway, the simple answer to your question is that climate is the average of the weather for a region, measured over a number of years, whereas weather is what's happening outside your window right now!

The simple answer is climate is the AVERAGE weather.

And the global climate is the average of all the weather all over the entire world over many years (100 years at least). Even measuring the "climate" is impossible. You can measure millions of temperatures in millions of different places and times, and also measure the humidity, cloud cover, wind speed, barometric pressure, and so on, and get an average of each of them, and call that collection of averages the world climate, but that is about it.

This I know, one extra cold winter in one country is no proof the world is cooling, and one extra hot summer in one country is no proof the climate is warming. Even though people often act as if it is here on Yahoo! Answers. For example, many people have "asked" (= said but pretended to ask), "If the climate is warming, why are the Great Lakes frozen longer this winter than ever before". It is called global warming, not Great Lakes one year warming for a reason.

Was that a real person who told you that or is this something else that doesn’t exist in the real world? Your last few questions have been thoroughly discredited because they’re fabrication, this one is no different is it?

Weather is the prevailing atmospheric conditions at any given place at any given point in time. Common weather metrics are temperature, precipitation, wind strength and direction, humidity, cloud cover, visibility etc; there are many others.

The climate (strictly the macroclimate as there are many types of climate) is achieved by aggregating weather conditions for a specified location over a period of at least 30 years.

In short – climate is what you expect, weather is what you get.

Climate scientists routinely point out that hot, or wild weather is NOT evidence of climate change. Politicians and the press are another animal.)

In fact, to excuse the 17 year hiatus, they claim we need an even longer time frame.

I do see a lot of deniers remarking how cold it is, or that storms are not more frequent/worse.

Well i like to answer a scientific question there is a big difference between weather and climate that is climate is applicable on a particular country that cannot be change on daily basis whereas weather can change day to day...

No. Climate is the general condition of precipitation, temperature, etc in an area where as weather is the the condition of the area at the exact time

Weather is weather until an alarmist tells you it's climate. If it's nice weather it's weather. If it's bad weather it is proof positive of man made climate change.

They say the weather over 30yrs, but I think that is too long, if the weather had been consistently different (wetter, dryer, cooler, hotter) over a ten year period, I would start considering that the climate was changing.

There's more to it than that. Weather refers to the conditions outside at any given time. Rain, snow, humidity, sunshine and cold are all examples of weather. Climate refers to weather conditions over a long period of time, such as historical temperature ranges, precipitation averages, and so forth.

I was told that if it's warmer than average, it's climate, and if it's colder than average, that's weather. Is this correct?

The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time.