> Just read Leo DiCaprio's Facebook Post about Global Warming, and I've got some questions?

Just read Leo DiCaprio's Facebook Post about Global Warming, and I've got some questions?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Relax... there is no man-made Global Warming and the planet it actually cooling, has been for about 15 years. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

1. Will we have a huge worldwide drought any time in the next 2 decades?


2. What is the worst scenario that we face with the rapid increase in global warming's effects?

Better growing conditions for crops...etc.

3. Is there any way in which we can curb the effects of global warming, and if so, why have we failed so many times to do so? Don't national leaders feel the effects of global warming on their countries?

"Effects" ???? What effects

4. Is it really going to get so bad, that a majority of the United States will become flooded and we'll have to live in boats?

NO! That is utter nonsense!

How the hell would it be possible to have a world wide drought when the earth's surface is 70% water? I'll tell you. The world would have massive droughts when the earth's climate cools so much that the rate of evaporation of water from the oceans slow to the point that clouds don't form because of the lack of atmospheric moisture. Do an experiment. put a pot of water on a stove and turn it on. What the hell happens when the water starts warming up? It evaporates. It puts more moisture into the air. And so does the oceans. This makes clouds thus rain.

Oh, by the way another question to ask yourself. When you hear people telling you about how bad global warming is and how it's going to destroy all life on earth, etc., etc. ask yourself where on earth is the most concentrated dense populations of life forms. In the warm parts of the planet or the coldest parts of the planet? Is there more life forms in the amazon rain forest than there is on the Antarctic ice shelf or any ice shelf? The Sahara desert in Africa is actually shrinking due to increased rainfall. Google it and tell me that global warming may be a bad thing. Personally I think it may have something to do with more CO2 in the air than anything else due to the fact that CO2 is plant food. And higher density of vegetation can actually change a climate from desert to rain forest. There is a glacier on a mountain melting due to lack of rainfall due to deforestation. The IPCC tried to claim it was caused by AGW but had to make yet another embarrassing detraction when the real science came in and proved otherwise.

I certainly don't consider Leornardo DiCaprio's Facebook page to be a valid climate source nor do I expect him to make an experienced interpretation of the material he receives. If he is managing to promote awareness to a younger crowd then great but remember it isn't fear that we need but a comprehension of the costs and consequences of our actions.

The worst scenario is always we all die. The question should be what is the likeliest scenario and how could it be mitigated. It's naive to think it's the end of the world and it's naive to think we can completely avoid the problems. The activities of man may have contributed to a change but it's a cascade effect, removing our influence would probably not stop it and it's equally dangerous to intentionally provide input in the other direction. It's wrong to deny that a climate change could impact our lives but it's also wrong to assume we can do a massive Barney hug and stop it just by changing our ways. In many respects the damage is done, it may now be out of our control and the options to us are to try to mitigate the damage, try to determine if there's something we can safely do about it and not shoot ourselves in the foot economically or by geoengineering.

It would take thousands of years for the Antarctic ice cap to melt, those maps from National Geographic are of an extreme situation

A serious issue like this requires you to not be nervous or afraid.

1. No. But if we have that it is due to weather modification.

2. Global warming/cooling is a natural cycle it will come whether we like it or not. But the next cycle is global cooling not warming.

3. Until now no one really understood how the earth really works. Global warming is thrend is pure a propaganda.

4. It only happen to prophet Al Gore's imagination.

5. Yes.

I and my Global teams believe we turned off global Warming 11/28/2013. In July My triple Output was implemented where my Teams found Global Warming= Results of shutting down Global warming brought frozen freshwater on top of saltwater from Glaciers and Glaciers freezing immediately from each shut down. In November Satelights reported ICE accumulation on different parts of earth. End of Global warming. Oceans risings have been coming from Dubois world, A Arab has been paying Dubois world to Pour in Hundreds of millions of tons of dry land sand causing all oceans to rise over sea levels on all land masses. I've been able to stop them and reverse by taking the sand out, but now i believe that this Arab is paying other countries to do the same thing, He's also sending muslims to other countries to populate and work in communications and internet services for when he's ready. He plans to order all his muslims to murder all who are not muslim born and make earth all muslim. Mike / Global Command

1. No, but we are likely to have many major local or regional droughts.

2. We could all die. But that is a very, very, very unlikely outcome.

3. Yes, but it's not easy, and it requires long-term rather than short-term thinking. National leaders are often more worried about the next election than they are with what will happen 50 (or even 20) years down the line.

4. No.

If you want more information, try here:






http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (a while back, I asked people to post links to sources at various experience levels)


5. Yes, but not necessarily where or when we had it before. Areas and times that are still cold enough to get snow may get more snow than they got before, because warmer air holds more water. But, some areas and times that used to get snow will be too warm, and any precipitation will fall as rain instead.

Yes we will have a drought because water is a non renewable resource. Is it caused because of global warming? No. Can we curb global warming? Yes! There are very simple ways we can do our part. Car pool, don't use aerosol.. Etc. don't be scared of anything. Scientists are finding ways to mimic the effects of water because there is a high chance we'll run out.

Tell Leo not to give up his day job. He is an actor, not a scientist, for crying out loud.

He as much a climate scientist as Al Sharpton or Chris Matthews . Its rubbish . He might have bought carbon credits

and cant resell them because they are worthless .


1. Will we have a huge worldwide drought any time in the next 2 decades?

2. What is the worst scenario that we face with the rapid increase in global warming's effects?

3. Is there any way in which we can curb the effects of global warming, and if so, why have we failed so many times to do so? Don't national leaders feel the effects of global warming on their countries?

4. Is it really going to get so bad, that a majority of the United States will become flooded and we'll have to live in boats?

PLEASE ANSWER, I'm kinda nervous :(...

Link, please.