> If US oil production is up and now exceeds imports?

If US oil production is up and now exceeds imports?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
That tactic simply wont wash due to the fact virtually everyone is aware of the current administrations constant relentless efforts to impede or prevent ANY increased energy production.

However, relatively few people are aware that the big oil company's didn't really have much to do with it initially either.

The people actually responsible for it are a few traditional independent wildcatters who were willing to risk their own personal resources.


It's a perception that Obama is anti-drilling. The most likely reason for decreases in production on federal lands is depleting wells. Also remember that the largest offshore oil spill in US history happened on his watch. He actually was proposing opening some areas of offshore Atlantic and Alaska to exploration before the oil spill - I think it's pretty obvious why he changed his mind.

He has really been little different from his predecessors as far as access to federal lands. ANWR and offshore Pacific has been off limits for 30+ years. Nixon declared a moratorium on offshore drilling after the Santa Barbara spill. Even Bush 43 didn't get any new federal lands opened to drilling.

Drilling permits have remained fairly constant during Obama's time in office:



Yes, this is the old sleight of hand. Notice that it is not up on public lands. That has almost stopped. The Gulf is shut down, against court order, essentially because the government refuses to permit.

This is mainly because of the North Dakota action which the US government is frantically trying to shut down.

Just look at Grungo, He doesn't have anything to say about the subject except bad mouthing WUWT. Grungo is typical, they complain about someone getting a few buck for presenting facts and ignore James Hansen taking over a million under the table. Grungo, tell us all, have you renewed your subscription for 'The Daily Worker' yet? Ha! Ha! You are so visible.

The guy who decided to exploit the Bakken Shale. Of course environmentalists decided to file a lawsuit against oil company there for some dead birds. The goal is higher gas prices as in Europe. Energy Secretary Chu said as much.

Too afraid to post yet another link to WUWT nonsense?

It's a WUWT post written by Ken Haapala of the Science and Environmental Policy Project which is Fred Singer little denial outfit. Guess who funds them?

who should get the credit, the following is copy pasted.

Taking Credit: For the first time in nearly 20 years, in October 2013, US oil production exceeded imports. The administration immediately pulled a debating trick described by the 19th century philosopher Schopenhauer. When one realizes that his position is hopeless, suddenly declare that the winning position is his all-along.

The administration proudly declared credit for the increase in oil production, even though it has systematically tried to limit oil production and regulate hydraulic fracturing by making false claims about its influence on ground water. In 2012, on lands controlled by the Federal government, the production of oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, and coal all fell. It is the production on private and state controlled lands that is the great success story.