> Is there a simulator that can show how history can change based on the outcome of certain events?

Is there a simulator that can show how history can change based on the outcome of certain events?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is like the old saying,

For want of a nail a shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe a horse was lost.

For want of a horse a knight was lost.

For want of a knight a battle was lost.

For want of a battle win a King was lost.

For want of a King a Kingdom was lost.

Who can really predict something like that?

Washington crossing the Delaware and taking Trenton would be pretty hard to compute.

I sincerely doubt it.

In order to have a computer simulation of something, you need to, in essence, reduce it to math. Quantify the various elements and their relationships to one another, and run simulations to figure out how changing one element affects other elements. I don't think we know enough about human behavior to do the necessary mathematical equivalents, except in the very, very broadest sense.

No. it is a Chaos system, the number of possibilities are infinite.

ever heard the saying "a butterfly flaps its wings in the amazon causing a hurricane to form in the Atlantic"

Just by asking this question on YA you could be changing our future is ways you could not imagine.

I doubt it but try the history category and maybe you could get some ideas. This is the global warming category

Alternate history novels are very interesting, but I was wondering if there was a simulation that could show how the world would have changed if something like the American Civil War ended differently.