> How come the rise in global temperature has slowed down in the last dozen years?

How come the rise in global temperature has slowed down in the last dozen years?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
despite the record increase in Co2 emissions.

I recently gave best answer to Trevor for a long, long, long list of things that affect climate: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...

Look at some of the things on his list. Given how "noisy" weather is, it's not at all surprising that we will occasionally see periods of little or no warming even in the face of increases in the primary factor causing that warming.

edit: OM, that's not true. Most people consider the unusually warm year of '98 to mostly be "noise" from the ENSO.

There are more things that affect the climate than just CO2. If only CO2 affected the climate we would expect to see a linear increase along with surface temperatures. We don't and never have.


From this graph on the NASA website we see surface temperature fluctuations throughout the time period of the measurements. This is because there are many things that can affect surface temperatures, some more than others based on the amount of change and the effect of that change. Things that can affect surface temperatures include such things as the Sun, atmospheric aerosols, clouds, ocean currents, winds, greenhouse gases, vegetation and land use, volcanic eruptions, and so on. Since 2007 many of these have a cooling effect such as aerosols, or the Asian Brown Cloud, and the ENSO cycle which is related to ocean currents and winds and is associated with the PDO cycle.

Asian Brown Cloud - http://www.unep.org/pdf/ABCSummaryFinal....

ENSO index - http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/enso/mei/

PDO index - http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/t...

The temperatures since 2007 have been mainly affected by the powerful negative ENSO cycle known as La Nina, which is related to the negative PDO cycle. The claim of "the planet has been cooling since..." and using a time frame of 15 years or less is due specifically to these ENSO conditions. The claim that it has been cooling for 15 years is mentioned above. The claim that it has been cooling for 10 years is due to the fact that the strong ENSO conditions since about 2006/07 have brought the trend during that time ot below the baseline. If you take it 1 year longer you get a positive trend. If you chop the time frame into sections you get two positive trends. The reason why the years selected are showing a pause is because the years are cherry picked to show that pause. There has not been a pause. There has been a slowdown in the rate of warming due to what is considered noise.


Dear believers in Global Warming,

I am sorry to inform you that your dear friend Al Gore lied to you and made billions of dollars in the process. In fact not only has the rise in global temperatures slowed down, but it has actually turned around and the Earth is now cooling. Throughout history the Earth has gone through stages of warming and up until around 2002 it was in fact warming but not due to Co2 as Mr. Gore has convinced everyone. The Earth has actually been cooling for the past 10 years while the school systems, and media continue to force the idea of "Global Warming" down the throats of every American. All the while Gore has become rich by way of Carbon Credits. His great plan to sell the rights to release carbon into the air to industrial companies.

If you don't believe me do the research yourself. The facts are there to prove it, unlike the hugely exaggerated charts in Mr, Gore's Inconvenient Lie.

Chem Flunky: "I recently gave best answer to Trevor for a long, long, long list of things that affect climate"

That was quite an honour for him.

Travis and Dr.Jello have received numerous "Best Answer" awards, and I think that they, along with Sarah Palin, are among the greatest thinkers of our time.

Because all of CO2's warming effect was carried out with the first 100ppm or so, after that CO2 has a miniscule effect on the climate, it was the 'modern solar maximum' that caused the temperature rise.

Because CO2 has nothing to do with the rise in global temperatures.

Carbon dioxide is not the only influence on climate. The Sun and the Asian brown cloud are slowing down the warming.

Pay no attention to the lies of Madd Maxx. It has been repeatedly pointed out to himthat the Sun can not be causing current warming, because solar activity has been declining for 50 years.


The fact that he continues to claim that high solar activity is causing the warming even though it has been repeatedly pointed out to him that it does not makes him a liar.

It is unfair of you to bring up facts in this discussion. It is well known that the Easter Bunny has stated that temperatures are still rising and Santa concurs.

Here's all you need to know: Warming is caused by CO2 and a lack of warming is caused by noise. Noise never warms. /sarc

I blame Rick

despite the record increase in Co2 emissions.

Because the warming was NOT caused by CO2.

It was caused by high solar activity: http://lasp.colorado.edu/lisird/tsi/hist...

And now solar activity is returning to normal, so global warming was NEVER man-made and now it's declining with solar activity.

For the full story on the man-made Global Warming scam watch these:

The Great Global Warming Swindle