> Antarctic ice melting from below is it anything to do with climate change?

Antarctic ice melting from below is it anything to do with climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Look Kano, what is the point of the article other than to misrepresent the subject being reported and to mislead it readers?

Here is the headline: “Antarctic ice sheet is melting from below, unrelated to CO2”

The third sentence concludes,” Together, the papers would suggest that most if not all of the contribution to sea level rise from Antarctica is due to geothermal sources, and has no relationship to global warming or man-made CO2.”

The AGU papers are not about CO2 – at all; and it doesn’t matter, anyway. Even if we did not have this -

“Water is a critical player in how quickly Antarctica's ice sheets slip toward the sea. Understanding where water flows under the ice will help modelers better predict the future behavior of the continent's vast ice rivers, and their response to climate change, Babonis said.” – which is clearly an explicit acceptance of climate change -

- It’s not like you can only have, say, 3 things that drive something - so if you find a 4th thing you automatically have to drop one of the others. Hopefully, it means that now you know more than you did.

The article neither attempts to objectively present the AGU reports nor critique them. It just mentions then ignores them and talks about something that is totally unrelated to them.

And, I just can’t let this pass…

>> If you can't explain the 'pause', you can't explain the cause...<<

This is incomplete and is only true if it says…

>> If you can't explain the 'pause', you can't explain the cause...of the ‘pause’<<

It also means that if you cannot explain the “natural variability” or the “natural cycle” or whatever – then you are not explaining anything.

“Natural variability”, “normal cycle”, etc. are not causes; they are not explanations; they are not answers (except where the answer is “I don’t know the answer”). Simply saying that the cause is “natural” is no different that saying that the cause is “supernatural.” If the cause is indeed natural, that means it is something physical – and you have to identify what that “physical” thing is.


edit ---

It is cool stuff, all right - although I'm not a big fan of more energy being pumped into the system at the moment.

Yes the ice melts and the combo of that and oceans warming from AGW A big chunk of western Antarctica ice sea ice that extends to the ocean floor

strange that with all the global warming and ice melting that satellite photographs show both polar ice caps at their largest for 20 years

This must be proof positive that the earth's iron core is expanding at an exponential rate due to the nuclear reactions generated inside it and the AGW warmed earth not allowing the core to properly cool down. More proof that the earth is getting ready to explode because of AGW.

Much of Antarctica is below sea level and ice could float away.

I only had to read the first sentence. It said AGU. They are sponsored by Big Oil so everything is consequently rubbish.

I think I could be a greenie - I have a natural talent for it!

Now, where is my thesaurus? I need lots of synonyms for stupid ...

Gee, Kano. I sure do wish that you would use better science filters during your web searches.
