> To all who care about climate change..?

To all who care about climate change..?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hi Nikki,

Some mentioned your link wasn’t working, it’s fine now.

Quick point: your questions concerning the media’s presentation of global warming information don’t have the option to choose “sometimes” or “maybe” as an answer; they’re either “yes“, “no“ or “not sure“ but without a middle ground option.

Good luck with your dissertation, it’s an interesting subject.

Please be mindful of the fact that sites such as YA are not representative of the broader public, there are a disproportionate number of sceptics on sites such as this and as such your results could be biased.#

If you don’t mind spending a bit of money (can’t advise on how much) then you can use your existing survey on Survey Monkey and have the site admin distribute it to a representative cross-section of the population. You specify how many people you want it sending to, from just a few to over a million, the more people it goes out to the more it costs.

When we talk of climate change we are really talking of changes brought about over the industrial period – the last 60 to 100 years – during which time we have seen increased use of energy sources that emit harmful gases into the atmosphere, which have a warming effect and hence shifting climate patterns.

Most serious, especially for Africa, is the shift in the rain patterns over the year. Traditionally we are used to a certain pattern of life; long rains, short rains, dry season and so on, so all we do like planting is synchronised to the seasons. The fact that climate change has resulted in this shift means we end up with crop failure – rainy seasons no longer coincide with crop planting, areas that never had drought begin to experience it or we suddenly have lots of rain like the el Ni?o.

not working

Your link is not working try again


Please can you answer my survey on climate change, I'm trying to collect data on peoples opinions for my dissertation. Studying international agriculture.

Its 10, quick, multiple choice questions, will only take 1 minute!

Thank you very much.

Here is the link:
