> Can nature prevent global warming?

Can nature prevent global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes according to this paper http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140202111055.htm

Water vapor is the thermostat

"Hence, this effect may actually slightly weaken the more dire forecasted aspects of an increasing warming of our climate, the scientists say."

Well, these two scientists are obviously deniers and should be fired immediately from their respective Universities and from Goddard. The Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, and Nature Climate Change should cease operations immediately. Anyone who has read this article should be locked away for life and their tongues cut out from their mouths and their hands and feet amputated lest they try to write about what they have read.

There is no room for skepticism in the CAGW religion. These scientists are heretics and should be punished severely for their actions.

From your linked article, Kano

"Since water vapor is a very strong greenhouse gas, this effect leads to a negative feedback on climate change. That is, the increase in water vapor due to enhanced evaporation from the warming oceans is confined to the near- surface area, while the stratosphere becomes drier. Hence, this effect MAY ACTUALLY SLIGHTLY WEAKEN THE MORE DIRE FORECASTED ASPECTS OF AN INCREASING WARMING OF OUR CLIMATE, the scientists say." - (emphasis is mine)

So even these scientists that conducted this study believe that nature cannot prevent global warming. Certainly not the anthropogenic global warming since we are over powering the natural processes. The study also does not even try to look at any of the positive feedbacks that may come into play. Another thing is that more water vapor in the atmosphere does not lower the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. CO2 simply does not rain out with the precipitation.

Kano - "Gary F. I am a fan of science, and read what I can." - I have no reason to doubt this. What I doubt about you is your willingness to accept any scientific evidence that goes against your ideology. You will favor your ideology over any scientific evidence that brings to question the validity of your ideology. Judith Curry has the same problem with science. She is all for it, until she sees something that she does not like to know.

From the article:

"Hence, this effect may actually slightly weaken the more dire forecasted aspects of an increasing warming of our climate, the scientists say."

"May slightly weaken" is not the same as "prevent."

So, to be accurate, "No, according to this paper http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/201... "

The paper is suggesting that regionally, there is less water vapor in the stratosphere driven by warming sea surface temperature. The altitude of final emission is not critical: the temperature of that final layer is. If the temperature of the emitting layer is lower, less energy escapes to space and there is a net warming effect. If the temperature of the final emitting layer is higher, more energy escapes to space and there is a net cooling (negative feedback). The source paper predicts a continuation of the existing trend

"Projected future SSTs appear to drive a temperature and water vapor response whose zonal structure is similar to the historical response. In the lower stratosphere, the changes in water vapor and temperature due to projected future SSTs are of similar strength to, though slightly weaker than, that due directly to projected future CO2, ozone, and methane."

It is difficult to interpret this statement as predicting a negative feedback.

...trees take in CO2 and put out O. CO2 is a greenhouse gas linked to global warmeing. Trees are a aspect of nature. So, yes, however it is unlikely that the remaining trees will make a drastic turn around in the rising temperatures.

AGW is already a serious reality. It is a little late to prevent it. Why would you even ask this question. The article if you even read the headline

"Nature can, selectively, BUFFER human-caused global warming, say scientists"

It says buffer, not prevent Can't you read Kano The article is interesting but tou misrepresented the intent.

No. Try rereading it. It stated, basically, that the tropopause is the cause of there being less water in the stratosphere. As this area of the atmosphere cools due to the warming of the troposphere less water vapour will be allowed to enter this region. They will have to include these variables in future climate models to improve them further.

Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012/ ICE ACCUMULATION on Earth. Mike

The article does not say that. Maybe you provided the wrong link.

And, when did you become a fan of climate models and NASA scientists - especially when they contradict your beliefs?

Depends what you mean by nature... The sun is nature too, and the biggest hottest object around this Solar system... :D

Yes according to this paper http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140202111055.htm

Water vapor is the thermostat