> Is that true by reducing the usage of plastic bags we can save the future?

Is that true by reducing the usage of plastic bags we can save the future?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well we can certainly have an impact to reduce the waste of resources. Plastic bags are made from oil. They are polluting our rivers, streams, lakes, oceans and woodlands


Most communities have pick ups for recyclables and it isn't hat difficult to set them aside. many retail stores even have bins for recycling the bags.

It is a gimmick and nothing but symbolism over substance. You are supposed to participate in their games and become one of them. Most of the things from the left are lies and gimmicks because facts are their enemy. They seek to hide their Marxism in the environment and things like pretending plastic bags are a threat is just a way to get the dumbed down useful idiots to participate. They can then say, see we are saving the planet when in fact they aren't doing a damned thing except bankrupting the rest of us. You will never hear one of these mind numbed robots talk about plastic sequestering the carbon that they are so worried about. You could take all the shopping bags in the world and it would amount to such a small infinitesimal volume that it should shame those idiots but it won't because they are convinced they care more and are smarter than the rest of us.

It is a means for the shopping mart to make money. They no longer have to spend money on plastic bags, and also sell you reusable bags at a profit. Those reusable bags are a health hazard, as they require regular cleaning which tends not to happen, and they end up filled with bacteria.

And no reducing plastic bag use does not help the environment.

Just reducing the usage of plastic bags isnt going to save the future, but its a good start.

It has played a large role in the Impact on the Planet and Oceans as far as Pollution goes

Plastic takes more time to digest in earth.Where plastic in earth, plants are not growing.It is the main problem with plastic..Recycling also makes problem to environment.Its better to avoid plastic.

It is a scam.

Back in the fifties we were using paper bags and cartons for groceries. The environmentalists, whom I affectionately call greenies, thought this was awful. They are known as treehuggers for a good reason.

Quote by Mikhail Gorbachev, communist and former leader of U.S.S.R.: "Nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred; trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals."

Quote by Christian Anton Mayer, aka Carl Amery, German environmentalist and writer: "We, in the green movement, aspire to a cultural model in which killing a forest will be considered more contemptible and more criminal than the sale of 6-year-old children to Asian brothels."

As you can see they are out of balance, mentally. However, that does not stop them and they started a campaign to outlaw paper bags. So many companies who will do anything to appease the leftists stopped using paper and started using plastic. McDonalds, for example, put their Big Macs in a plastic containers and grocery stores went to plastic bags. And everyone was happy.

Hey wait a minute! Plastic is made from that dirty oil they take out of the ground. They couldn't have that!

Quote by Harry Reid, Democrat, U.S. Senate majority leader: "Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It's global warming. It's ruining our country. It's ruining our world."

So they thought and thought and finally some duck in a pond in San Francisco, of all places, choked on a plastic bag. Pictures were taken and a vast media campaign was instituted claiming that our wild life was in danger because of all this plastic use. Remember, this was a policy they pushed for.

So now you see McDonald's putting their Big Mac in a paper carton again. And everyone is happy, right? No, nothing will satisfy a greenie. Now we were back to square one. That is, cutting down trees again. So this scheme of tote bags was concocted. They were reusable. That resulted in the spread of disease and the liberal state of Washington had to outlaw them.

In San Francisco, it was thought that they could make their bags out of hemp. Then upon taking your groceries home you could then smoke the bag. It seems that smoke or CO2 caused by the smoking of marijuana or hemp does not harm the earth. Nature recognizes this and neutralizes this. (I actually saw this written in an article.)

So in direct answer to your question and to quote the next President of the United States, "It really doesn't matter." And no, recycling plastic bags is too expensive, energy wasting and overall bad for the environment.

lo mejor para evitar la contaminacion ambiental por parte de los ciu-

dadanos es evitar el uso de materiales de origen plastico o lo que es

lo mismo del petroleo,y se puede hacer de diferentes maneras lo que implica solo el sentido comun no utilizar auto para ir a comprar

cualquier articulo para el hogar se puede utilizar bici o caminar asi a

horras gasolina y dinero y al mismo tiempo no recibirles bolsas de

plastico,empaques y envases de plastico a los supermercados o

donde realizes tus compras,lleva tus bolsas o el carrito del mercado,no comprar objetos que esten hechos de plastico y los

que se tengan en casa tratar de reciclarlos y cuando se deshe

chen depositarlos al camion de la basura de manera separada de

los deshechos organicos y asi proceder en todos los casos que

sean posible.

wonder about some shoping mart do not provide plastic bag for taking back item bought, while the casing trat wrap those items making much plastic rubbish at home, the world is just a schedule cycle, we dont take that material to produce olimer/plastice from the other world, so what?