> Has coal been used successfully in the past?

Has coal been used successfully in the past?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
blah....... school /:

When I was young, my grandparents heated their home with coal. It smelled bad. It was dirty. People had to shovel coal into their cellars then shovel coal into a gravity furnace. It was better than no heat.

I don't understand What you mean by successfully. Coal has been used as an industrial power supply as well as residential heating since the start of the industrial revolution. Coal has been used as a power supply for electrical generation and is the worst fossil fuel burned around the world. The emissions are a pollutant and it also deposits particulate matter in the world's streams, rivers, lajes, oceans and Arctic ice

Yes. Of course. It is being used successfully now and has been used successfully in the past. I bet it is supplying the energy to power the computer you are now using.

Coal is a clean burning fuel these days. Modern coal plants have reduced their pollution to the point where they are considered clean. The produce CO2 which is a beneficial nutrient gas.

Just look at the steam locomotive. You would have to say yes.

Many of our present day electric power plants use coal. You would have to say yes.

Look at metal production. You would have to say yes.

Why do you think China is buying up our coal?

It has been successful and it still is.

It has and still is. The good news is that we still have tons of it under our feet. Only successful fracking will be better for the UK.

not effectively due to low efficiency in burning with old machinery

blah....... school /: