> Will Bloombergs next ban be ?

Will Bloombergs next ban be ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Taxicabs because of the large ecological ( what an oxymoron ) foot print they leave

Slower subways wold save on sound pollution.

Teach all New Yorkers to skip a breath to minimize carbon dioxide in the air.

Make rats move into everyone's apartment or house to eat the trash. Less trash in landfills.

Ban peanut butter, for allergy sake. I am sure Bumberg thinks its had its time.

Sell only small and medium sized clothes, so only slim people look good.

He IS a moron.

How about alcohol? That worked out well the last time didn't it?

As for the ban on large, sugary drinks, an outright ban is the wrong approach. What needs to happen is that selling large drinks needs to be licensed to only a few select establishments called Sugar Bars. And we'll need an age limit. I say 12 years old so we'll need to issue photo ID to everyone 12 years and older. And we'll need to control where these drinks could be consumed. For example, parks or other areas where there would be children younger than 12.

You wouldn't be allowed to drive a motor vehicle within three hours of consuming a large, sugary beverage. In the supermarket, people would need special permits to buy more than a six pack for home consumption.

Of course foreigners would be except so that might pose another immigration problem. You lose your exemption when you get your green card. We'd have to debate what to do about those people with dual US/Canadian citizenship. Perhaps they would be allowed medium-large drinks but not extra large.

Well, New York was the first city which had its taxi service running on electric vehicles.

The new taxicab will be a Nissan (Japanese/French Carmaker) which will have a European diesel engine with 54 Miles /gallon .....

So you better learn french of japanese to hail a cap now .....

The American Ford model failed the test .....

He has tried to ban 18 ounce cokes, and he wanted to force

women to breast feed longer

unless their breasts were greater than 18 ounces

(OK that part was a Leno joke but I thought it was hilarious)

These types want to control other people's lives but it seems they often don't have good control of their own. I can't imagine why he thinks he can stick his nose in other peoples business like that. He is safe with his 5 body guards while he wants everyone else to give up any protection they might have.

Bloomberg is a blooming idiot and a hypocrite, just your garden variety leftist, who thinks he is so superior to everybody else that he can tell them what they should do.

They like to take other people's money and give it to those they see fit so they can feel generous but they don't give much of their own.

I am guessing that Bloomberg would like to go around and collect everybody's gun's, knives, bibles, sodas, candy, baby formula and if I were to guess what was next, maybe it would be their football, potato chips, beer and televisions

I don't think they care about what is being banned, I think they are testing people to see how much they can be blindly be manipulated into accepting government control.

It SHOULD be opening his mouth to give speeches.

Wrong category. Try Homework Help.

Taxicabs because of the large ecological ( what an oxymoron ) foot print they leave