> What if it were global cooling instead of warming that we had to deal with? What human actions can cause this?

What if it were global cooling instead of warming that we had to deal with? What human actions can cause this?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hello Kevin,

Manmade global warming kicked off with the start of the industrial revolution and by the early 20th century it was in full swing. Then, between approx 1940 and 1970 there was a levelling off in global temperatures; not because global warming had stopped or because of natural variation, but because we were causing global cooling (more correctly it’s called global dimming).

Whilst our greenhouse gas emissions cause warming by retaining heat energy, we can also induce cooling by blocking out heat from the Sun. Two ways in which humans have done this is through the release of certain aerosols and black particulate matter (BPM).

BPM is essentially soot, once airborne its dark surface absorbs incoming solar radiation (sunlight) and thus reduces the amount of heat energy that reaches Earth’s surface.

Of the different cooling aerosols it’s the sulphates that are the most effective cooling agents, particularly sulphur dioxide. This gas used to be produced in large quantities from the burning of coal in domestic fireplaces and power stations, it was also produced by manufacturing and industrial processes. The sulphate molecule can be considered as being reflective and thus the incoming solar radiation simply bounces off it and back into space.

During the middle of the last century our emissions of BPM and sulphates were so high that they reduced the amount of heat we received from the Sun. Global warming was still occurring but the dimming cancelled it out and temperatures levelled off.

The emissions were so bad that millions of people died and became seriously ill. Things came to a head in London in early December 1952 when the levels of pollution and fog were so great that thousands of people died each day. This led to the passing of the Clean Air Acts around the world and brought in legislation to curb emissions of BPM and sulphates.

As levels fell the underlying warming trend returned and has been with us since.

It has been suggested that a solution to global warming would be to deliberately release sulphur dioxide into the upper stratosphere, this would be achieved by launching sulphur laden rockets into the stratosphere where the sulphur would be oxidised by combustion and produce a blanket of sulphur dioxide molecules to reflect some of the sunlight.

It’s not the most practical suggestion as the SO2 molecules only reside in the atmosphere for 2 to 3 years so they would need to be constantly replenished. Furthermore, through chemical reactions the SO2 forms sulphuric and nitric acids so we’d once again have to content with the problems of acid-rain.

The Sun is in control of climate Kevin, it always has been and always will be.

Humans can't control climate in spite of all the Alarmists propaganda to the contrary. All we can do is cope with climate and in this modern age that is not really so difficult to do.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming. There is no man-made Global Cooling either.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Why do you have to blame human actions, what about natural causes?


Your ex-wifes heart.