> Should we wait for Cons to agree there is global warming or should we get started fixing it without them?

Should we wait for Cons to agree there is global warming or should we get started fixing it without them?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What are you waiting for? Aside from many of the other reasons put forth by other people here, accepting manmade global warming means that you believe socialism would be the answer. Global warming! I know how to fix that! Let's give more money to the government! Because they've proven they'll spend responsibly!

And that, is yet another reason conservatives don't buy into the hype. That doesn't mean that we're therefore pro-pollution, as people like you seem to believe. We just don't believe that giving more power to the government will help global warming. They've been seizing more power little by little already. Has anything improved?

Seriously, if you really care about the environment, then skip the desperate pleas that we believe your global warming bullshit. You can make the case for CFLs or LED lights without bringing environment into the picture. LEDs now make sense both environmentally and fiscally. So what are you waiting for?

First, you might want to FIRST address why NASA is not launching to space any more but is in the "climate science" arena. If that does not smack of politics, I don't know what does.

Second, just because there is SOME warming caused by man, does not mean that the warming is going to be catastrophic. Heck it does not even mean that the changes will be more bad than good. Your 97% is an idiotic attempt to make the extremely complex question into a simple yes or no.

Third, what are you whining at conservatives for? I know why? Because you are so liberal you can't think in an unbiased manner, but lets look at the CO2 mitigation techiniques.

1.) Nuclear power - Low to no CO2 but Opposed by environmentalists.

2.) Hydropower - Low to no CO2 but opposed by environmentalists.

3.) Natural gas - half the CO2 footprint of coal, but fracking is Oppose by environmentalists.

4.) Geothermal power - low ot no CO2 but Opposed by environmentalists.

Heck environuts oppose even wind power and they would oppse solar power if they had the sense to look at the chemicals involved in the process to make solar panels.

And lets not forget that an alaskan pipeline means less waste, and less problems with oil spills, but is also opposed by environut.

Conservatives are opposing one thing. TAXATION. That is IT. The problem is that while there are plenty of solutions we could be working towards, the only thing that the liberals want is TAX TAX TAX. And you call this a conservative problem???

Guess what? Pretending that I believed your lying BS that AGW is some major catastrophe and will destroy mankind, I am still not going to agree to a carbon tax, BECAUSE A CARBON TAX IS NOT A SOLUTION!!!!

Unfortunately, the only "fixes" that Cons seem to have these days is cutting taxes for the rich and aid to the poor. Beyond that, they don't seem to have any ideas at all. Look at Congress, what have they accomplished? Well, they seem to have an almost infinite amount of time to hold hearings--mostly on the same things again and again. They took a whole bunch of votes trying to repeal Obamacare, even though they knew that would never happen. They never considered trying to modify it fix the flaws they saw in it. They talked about bringing a lawsuit against the President, because he spent too much time trying to accomplish things that they were too spineless to address.

Unfortunately the "Cons" of today are more like con men than true conservatives. How many times can they say things contrary to fact before people catch on that they don't know what they're talking about? How many times have that the complained about the Fed's policies were going to drive inflation? Where's the inflation? If you want to see how their ideas of solving the Great Recession would have worked, you need only look to the E.U., where they have practiced the austerity that the cons recommended here. Which economy would you rather be living under, the U.S. or the E.U.?

Unfortunately today's conservatives believe that ideology is more important than evidence.

Well first consensus or agreement has nothing to do with real science. Experiments that can be replicated are the best, next models that predict properly. Climate change currently has neither.

That said of course you should get to fixing it. Use very little energy, get moving.

But remember not to go to the store and buy that stuff that came in a truck to the store, another truck to the distribution center, and I bet a large ship from China.

Spend a lot of money (you do have some?) and go all solar and grow your own food.

Get busy!!!

A group of private individuals should be able to work out the "proclaimed problems" of Iron fertilization.

(Rather more constructive than making objections that make plain one has not read about what they're objecting to. Or equally obviously not having applied thought to the issue. The main objection amounts to nature can and we can't. What? Agriculture never happened?)

Iron fertilization


emulates sporadic natural iron fertilization events in the oceans causing diatoms


(microscopic plants that form a siliceous shell around their carbon using internal chemistry)

These shells make them resistant to being eaten when alive or dead - by decay bacteria - and far more likely to sink to the bottom carrying their carbon content with them, as they already do in the Biological Pump


which already naturally gets rid of a significant amount of carbon (carbon sequestration)


There are objections raised against this option, which would disappear on thoughtfully reading some of the articles above.

You're basically adding a needed nutrient as nature does to grow plants that occur naturally and will sink quite naturally as the ocean sea beds have long shown:


Developing an understanding of how to do this follows the precautionary principal. The time to develop a parachute is before you need to leave the plane.

Well according to the scientists at the IPCC, the best estimate of global warming is less than what they predicted was the lower range of global warming in their previous report. Now the political activists in the group censored this detail and they left out the best estimate, but Nic Lewis was able to calculate this from the other numbers that they left in.

So if global warming is now less than the lowest amount they thought was likely in the previous report, and below the 2C threshold they are always worried about, then it means there is nothing left to fix.

What MNGW? There is nothing to fix except the perception of one by alarmist, extremist and ltberal politician hog wash! Nothing has been proven that makes GW a reality. So quit the drugs everyone is on and read all climate articles in the news. You have fallen for a scam.

Climate change: 4 countries that are fighting the trend.

"Things are worse than we had predicted" in 2007, said report co-author Saleemul Huq, director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development at the Independent University in Bangladesh.

Climate change is largely driven by greenhouse gases, which are largely created through the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal.

According to the IPCC, we can expect climate change to lead to rising temperatures, water and food shortages and increasingly violent weather.

After the tsunami and the subsequent meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011, German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that her country would phase out nuclear energy by 2022.

Germany’s commitment to switching to green energy is surpassed by its northern neighbour, Denmark, which has set “highly ambitious targets,” says Katie Auth, a climate and energy research with the Worldwatch Institute.

The country is using government policy to be able to source 100 per cent of its total energy needs from renewables by 2050.

Typically, when developing countries industrialize and produce more goods, they tend to release more greenhouse gases. But this has not been the case with Brazil, the burgeoning economic behemoth.

The country’s 2012 emissions dropped five per cent from a year earlier and were the lowest in 20 years, according to a group of NGOs that studied Brazil’s greenhouse gas production.

Part of that is owing to a concerted shift toward green energy, says Greenpeace’s Stewart. Brazil already exploits its abundant waterways for hydro power, and the country is investing heavily in wind power ― by 2021, it hopes to rely on wind turbines for up to 10 per cent of its generating capacity.

China generates less pollution per person than most other industrialized nations. What’s more, the country has made a colossal investment in green energy.

Always politics, only in the US is AGW a political issue.

NASA was shocked when their Apollo program was cancelled and funding deleted, they have since tried to stay in line with government policies to prevent goverment funding cuts.

But it is interesting to note that a lot of NASA scientists, engineers, and astronauts, come out against climate change when they retire.

There is nothing humans can do about extreme climate change. These come in cycles, the last one was about 15,000 years ago when about 70% of species were destroyed. The more sophisticated species disappeared first. When the next cycle happens, our species are in the front line of extinction........perhaps a good thing too for the other species !!!!

According to a clearly liberal agency called “NASA,” a full 97 percent of scientists with specific expertise in climate science agree that climate change is real and humans are causing it. We shouldn’t really have to say anything else. Of course if you’re Lloyd Christmas from Dumb & Dumber, and “one-in-a-million” means “there’s a chance,” then the three percent of scientists who aren’t sure about climate change obviously indicates that it’s a hoax.

The "97%" crap has been totally exposed as a hoax. The vast majority are waiting for whatever the 'thing' is that needs to be fixed.

Nevertheless of course you should reach fixing it. Use hardly any energy, get moving. But remember not to visit the store and buy that items that came in a truck towards the store, another truck towards the distribution center, and I bet a sizable ship from China.

If you have a problem with it, then show your power in the marketplace by not buying gasoline. Don't try to make decisions for other people. The government is not here to tell people what to do and what not to do, thats what people are supposed to decide for themselves. If you want it to be fixed take the first step yourself, dont ask the government to do it.

The first thing we need to do is make a list of all the important problems then rank them in order of severity.

If you are genuinely interested in saving lives you will find that Global Warming is nowhere near the top.

No. We can always find someone else to blame and use them as an excuse not to take action. The ditch on the side of the highway is full of trash, so why not toss out some of our own?

On this question, I have to agree with Raisin Caine and Dr Jello about nuclear, geothermal and hydro power.

Well, it's a lot easier to get something done about a problem this big if everybody's trying to work on it.

We should work on fixing it, but we should also keep trying to convince the cons that it's real, so we can get them in on it, too.

Start fixing it without them. America is the only industrialized country that doubts global warming is real. The rest of the world should just move forward without us.

I think you might have missed something. Your leftist policies have awakened a very irritated population who voted out democrats in droves. You aren't going to do anything except what cons decide to vote on. Nobody is stopping you from using your money to create new alternatives. Nobody is stopping you from turning off your heater and walking to work. We are going to be too busy fixing the mess your side made to bother with fixing imaginary problems.

Taking steps to minimize your personal footprint is a good start. Sadly, large scale change will not occur until global warming beings to affect big business interests.

I think all believers should start yesterday, you don't need us nonbelievers to reduce carbon output by better than any agreement made by any governmental group. Why do you need the government to force you to reduce your consumption?

You need to take the Bull By The Horns and just fix it your self .

you will never get them to do anything.

Let's just fix the problem without them Let's build 400 more nuclear power plants in this country. That will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce co2 output by 50%. That will teach them.

You cant fix it , It is a delusion to think Man can .

Its imaginary

It would be good to go ahead.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the republicans control both the purse strings, and the rules committee.

I don't see any way that we can do much without their support.

other countries and forward looking entrepreneurs are not waiting.

when most of the technology is outside the usa, maybe they will notice.



