> If man can't save these homes, how can he save the earth?

If man can't save these homes, how can he save the earth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'm a retired civilian known only to my teams from all walks of life as Global Command. In 2008 my teams found the true cause of global Warming and after shutting it down many times for my experiments We found 2 Answers. One large team implemented my process before leaving. In 2012 I emailed 2 Embassies my Triple Output to delete Global Warming and help them feed their country better. In July/212 Triple Output was implemented, In November 28/2012 our satelites reported that Ice for the first time since the early 90's was accumulating on different parts of Earth. Triple Output is designed to grow 4 times more food per farm, per year and at the same time delete Global Warming slowly so all species can live without interuption. If you'll read on May31st/ 2013. The Covington Who's Who Society's Magazine under another of my Title's The Major disaster Solutionist American Master located in Hollywood, Florida and New york State. This will show everyone of you that buys it Disaster Solutions that Nature unleashes on all species on and in Earth, like 2 Tornado solutions, Hurricane solution, Typhoon, Earthquake/ Quake related Tsunami's, Fast flood relief, Fire containment within 96 hours, Fire (no water or chemicals), Cyclone, ETC. No Freshwater in the millions of Gallons or My global Warming solution that my Global Teams have implemented in 2008 to keep all the oceans from taking too much dry land and obama does'nt have anything to do with any of our work from all walks of life. I'm not funded by anyone, because no one cares, but us. Why your homes are crumbling= only those that repair homes would know what to do, but If I remember right. When Arnie Schwartzeneggar was Gov, He tried to get the leaders of the fires to listen to my new solution to defeat the fires immediately, but they ignored both of us. All homes burnt to the ground were burnt needlessly. The guy playin pres.obama was'nt pres. in 2008. Obama's real name is Barry Soetoro, and he put in for a educational grant as Barry Soetoro came here and never went back to Indonesia. Your president is a ILLEGAL named Soetorro. Barack Huseim Obama is a Communist Kenyan Statesman. IN 2008 I proved to 350 million people useing a safe experiment that they each could see for themselves that all non-solids that rise into the upper atmosphere separated into nothingness on this yahoo.com service that ALL of EARTH'S ENVIRONMENT IS SAFE. MIKE/ Global Command.

No one - excluding the demographic where conspiracy freaks and Deniers overlap - has ever said that people "control: the environment. That would be like saying smashing your car into a brick wall and knocking it down means that you are the architect / builder of the wall.

As for our ability to save the earth or ourselves, there is nothing in human history or modern society that suggests we are, as a species, that smart.


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Things will not happen because human stupidity is the most powerful force in the world - just look at the success of your pro-stupid political agenda. I do not fault those who try - and neither would you if cared at all about humanity and the nation. We are intellectually, scientifically, and technologically falling behind the world's other developed nations. Unlike you, I don't think that being more stupid than everyone else in the world is our best survival strategy.


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Now, now...don't forsake your faith in stupidity - it's all you've got.

>>Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.<<



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>>All your responses were political, raise taxes<<

I have never once said that. In fact, I don't believe that I have ever used the word taxes in any answer - ever.

And, I never offer political solutions - because I never offer any solutions - because I don't think it will happen - because there are too many stupid lying Deniers and too many stupid lying science-hating politicians in Washington,

But, I do what I can to make sure honest people know that Deniers are scientifically ignorant liars driven by hateful and primitive beliefs - just in case I'm wrong and there are enough intelligent people in the country to make a difference.

The homes can't be saved because of unforeseen circumstances. What would you say about the planning board if they'd been told about the groundwater problem ahead of time, warned that it would be extremely expensive to correct after the fact, and issued all the permits anyway - while subsidizing people to add water to the property?

The man's power is to control other men. Money, religion, politics and even words are used mostly to divide humans and control them instead to unite them. If our society was like the ones of the ants or the bees it would be easier for us to work together and not to pretend to be gods. The real threat is inside us - the help too.

Those houses aren't sinking or crumbling. It's a plot by Al Gore, Paul Ehrlich, Michael Mann and the Rothschilds.

Maybe, someday, humans will learn not to build on unsuitable sites. The insurance companies realize the problem. Why can't the rest of us do so?

Sorry for the homeowners, but Stuff happens.

I'm guessing that they are insured?

We're smarter than you


This is an article about Lakeport, Ca. It shows homes disappearing or crumbling. Everyone is wringing their hands, not knowing what to do.

If our great and powerful geniuses can't solve this problem, what makes you think man can solve a global problem? Maybe they should raise taxes. That always solves problems.